
Well I hope I haven’t trained all my life for nothing.

Also, Driving Miss Daisy did not win a victory over Do the Right Thing, because the latter wasn’t even nominated for Best Picture.

It’d be like saying that the ‘29 Yankees earned a victory over the Kansas City Monarchs. 

Yeah I’m all for a little snark and sarcasm but god, it’s laid on so thick in every single article now. It’s just gotten obnoxious and juvenile and I feel like I’m reading something written by a try-hard high-schooler. Then again, the general quality of writing here has gone downhill since the great Kinjapocalypse. 

Question for the AV Club staff: when did the site’s house style officially change to “be so smug and snarky that whatever credible point might be buried in the article is invalidated”?

nah just a white girl overestimating the ebonics of the title

He’s probably defending it because he was in it, and interviewers ask him questions about it. Occam’s razor, and all that.

No one cares about Green Book anymore. Not even the people who liked Green Book care about Green Book at this point. We’ve all moved on with our lives...

I fucking hated this

I had forgotten I watched this movie months ago. I did not care for it. I found the pacing to be problematic, and it wasn’t particularly funny or scary to me. I also did not feel invested in the relationship-drama aspect of it all.

Came here to post the same thing. I don’t need a reminder of the current real life shitshow, just like I don’t need any more commercials set to atmospheric piano telling me we’re all in this together while selling me housewares. The music alone sets me off. So yeah, if I’m going to watch fiction about people going to

You’re not, I find this thinking absurd.

It doesn’t sound like a rational fear. Also it sounds like she keeps real nice company. We’re supposed to feel sorry for gang bangers now?

I guess I’m in the minority because I really liked his show. It didn’t try to be anything more than what it was. I think we can all learn a lesson from that.

Maybe the real hostile working conditions were the friends we met along the way.

I mean, the article itself seems to be confused why a vague comment from Anne Heche is worth writing about and concludes with a big ol’ “that means whatever, I guess”, which seems like unintentional metacommentary on the ever-chugging, ever-yellow clickbait machine this site has become.

And when Ellen looked down, there was only one set of footprints.

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

“and whatnot” is really the icing on the cake there.