Venerable Monk

I just meant to say thanks, but apparently my autocorrect felt I was really trying to yell out random holidays like l’m affected by some form of festive Tourette’s.

These are reviews contributed by the Gameological Community. It is likely that either nobody commented with a review about Persona 5 or that none of the Persona 5 comments said something distinct enough from the coverage in the website’s own Best Games article.

It seriously does my heart good to see all the folks who’ve been around since Gameological’s beginning still contributing such thoughtful conversations. Thanksgiving, everybody!

Hooray! The Keyboard Geniuses ‘Year In Review’ is always one of my favorite features. Thanks for keeping it going, even with all of the changes to the AV Club in 2017. And thanks, of course, for all of the extraordinary work y’all do writing these articles for us to consume :)


I’m stoked for many of us to participate in this weekend’s Splatoon 2 Splatfest. Many of us seem to be on Team Socks, but there’s some Sweater love out there too. I’m not the one organizing our now beginning Third Splaturday of the Month events, but I’m sure there’ll be team numbers and stuff popping up on the Discord.

I don’t really have a GOTY because I didn’t really play too many games this year, much less new ones. So, in lieu of that, I will present instead my major gaming-related epiphanies/resolutions:

To give myself some guidance on answering my favorite games of the year, I’m gonna go with some of the categories the Game Awards did last night and just substitute my own games.

Lot of unexpected games in here (and some surprising exclusions). That’s what I love about AV Club is that because it’s not a bread and butter game site it can be more authentic with it’s lists.

That FFVIII UFO guy’s still waiting for some elixirs, darn it! :P

And Hellblade.

No they didn’t, Night in the Woods is on the list.

What a great coverage of titles in a year fully saturated with all-time classics. My quick top 5:

Gonna keep the format of these, though it might be a bit shorter. Three choices...let’s start with...

This was an astonishingly good year for video games, if not always the culture around them. The best games were confident, experimental, thoughtful, surprising, and entirely sincere. Wolfenstein II had a deranged vision about the horrors of American Nazism and what was needed to fight it, but it was also one it fully

I’ve been curating my list of entirely legally-acquired arcade ROMs over the last few days, and I’ve noticed quite a few of them have very optimistic views on where we’d be, technology-wise, in 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2010. However, while I’m kinda bummed we don’t have interstellar spacefighter robots, we at least haven’t

I played a bit more this weekend and I am definitely sold on it, but as it’s on my Christmas list I won’t be able to purchase until afterwards. As for joining your clan, sadly, I am on xbox. Thankfully I have a friend or two that can join me, and their clan sounds friendly enough, so once I receive / purchase the

I recently picked up a trial version of Destiny 2 - any tips or recommendations? Is it worth taking the plunge, and why? I’ll talk more about the game in my post on this weekend, but as I played the game I was enjoying the graphics and music, and the feel of the guns is really cool, but I’m still getting my feel for

Damn, I didn’t know the game was giving everyone helmets because I’m addicted to that instant sleep headshot. That’s impressive and they are traveling in groups more often as well. That’s impressive.