Venerable Monk

Gaming while a baby naps on you is a great way to bond with your baby and not fall asleep too! We’ve been trying to get our 9 month old to sleep in the crib most of the time, but he is literally sleeping on me as I write this reply. You're in for quite the ride.

Hi folks! All the Sekiro talk in my Twitter timeline has inspired me to pick up my abandoned run of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. When I left off, I had taken a break from the main storyline just after arriving at Drangleic Castle to try out the DLC areas. I made it through two of them before dropping the

That quite the game to platinum! Probably the platinum trophy I’m proudest to claim is The Witness, but the one I had the most fun earning was definitely Overcooked 2. My partner and I are now elite cooking machines after 3-starring every kitchen that game could throw at us.

Hi folks! It’s been a while! Fortunately, work has slowed down enough that I can stop by and say hello. My gaming has been sparse, and all over the map, what with having my seven-month-old son to goof around with all the time. But I have snuck in the odd hour of gaming here and there, often with a sleeping baby in my

Woot!  Fellow clarinet player!

Hi folks! It’s been a while! I have a baby now, so that’s my story for why I’ve been scarce in the comments here the past few months. Having a child is both excellent and exhausting for me and my partner, and consumes basically all of our time not spent working or sleeping.

Gerardi! What can I say? For years now, so much of the Gameological spirit has been spurred on by you words. I only wish I could have participated more, filling up and breaking more tabs with scintillating conversation. You’ll definitely be missed, and I’m glad to hear you won’t be quitting the Discord server.

We aren’t PlayStation friends, are we? I’d totally play some Overwatch with you this weekend, if I happen to see you online. It’s been my go-to game for months now. My PSN name is VenerableMonk27, if you’d like to add me.

What a coincidence! I just decided this week to dive back in to Dark Souls II to finish my abandoned playthrough, and I totally agree that picking up these games is just like getting back on a bike. I had left off months ago with one section remaining on the Iron Keep, and I was surprised at how quickly I got back

Considering they brought Uprising back for the Overwatch Archives event this year, it’s probably safe to assume that Retribution will be back next year around this time. Have you tried competitive 6v6 elimination? I just ran half my placement matches the other day, and I’m loving it so far.  It’s basically a series of

Ha! That’s exactly what I’m hoping for in our spawn. Was it Dr. FlimFlam who said that successful child-rearing in this generation is basically making a guaranteed player 2 for life?

Hi everybody! It sure has been a while since I’ve had a free moment on a Friday morning to chat with you all. Things have been crazy around here. Not only am I chatting less about games, I’m actually playing less games, which is always a good indication that life is strictly too busy for me.

Hi folks! It’s been a minute since I’ve had time to stop by the WAYPTW thread. Having several different projects in the final stages at work means I barely have time to sit at my desk, let alone hang out in the comment sections of this fine site. But anyway, let’s talk about the games I’ve been playing!

I mean, there was a time when a good portion of original posts in WAYPTW would spark a conversation and several tangents in the replies, but from as long as I’ve been around most of the informal chats and such took place in Keyboard Geniuses.

Hi Folks! This week has been all about Overwatch for me, and I’m beginning to sense a trend. I’m having fun with the new Capture the Flag map, just placed in low Gold for season 9 of competitive, and my boys the Houston Outlaws lost in a fifth map tiebreaker last night to the Fusion! Though the biggest excitement

Hey Folks! Not too much time at all for gaming (or commenting on games articles) with work as crazy as it is right now. But I did manage to sneak in a little time with Overwatch for the Year of the Dog event. I’m absolutely loving D.Va in her fancy new Houston Outlaws skin for capture the flag. Now that using

After a while I figured she was having some mental or emotional trouble that made her decide to quit, but maybe it was just the way we played her that gave me a different outward impression. Our philosophy was basically “Mae doesn’t owe anyone, especially strangers, an explanation for her choices”. Since there is no

Ok! Work is crazy busy right now, but I’m here for my (short) lunch break! The big news this week is that my partner and I finished Night in the Woods! This one really gripped us, with multiple hour sessions for a few nights in a row to finish it out. I was especially taken with the characters and their

I had my eye on Virginia, just from a few vague mentions and screenshots, but your endorsement has me sold!

Kentucky Route Zero!