Venerable Monk

Morning all! It’s pretty rare for me to be up this early, but considering the recent development in my life that is the birth of my daughter I figured I’d wake up a bit earlier to catch this commenting train. Last Friday we welcomed her into the world, and words kind of fail to capture how much life is different now

I am just one trophy away from the platinum for Sekiro. I need to purchase three skills and I’m done. It’s very rare that I platinum a game and strange that a rock-hard action game is the first title in years that I’m likely to go all the way with, but here I am. It’ll sit proudly alongside my Okami and Sly Cooper

Now playing

That’s a pretty darn stellar list of titles for 2019, woooo!

A couple of weeks ago my wife did a replay of Giving Birth, this time going down the “It’s a boy” route as a speed run (finishing up just over 3 hours from the “I think that was a contraction” prologue) on hardcore mode.

I started Bloodborne this week, my first foray into the Souls-genre. Is it possible to be nervous for a game? Never having played a Souls-game and it being one of the most lauded series in recent memory, I was very curious/nervous if I would like it / “get” it? / suck at it. The answers so far are: yes?, maybe and

Congratulations on the baby! My friend had one too and our nights of online play have diminished dramatically. Not that I mind, he’s on a new great adventure now. But he did mention how he enjoys sneaking in some Fortnite or Rocket League here and there. 

Celeste is a wonderful game. Back when I was playing it I made the same comparison to Super Meat Boy, and some other gameologerinos made the point that while Super Meat Boy glorifies your deaths with its death reel, Celeste is gently nudging you, encouraging you to try again. The respawn timer is quick, and you’re not

Last week I got Guacamelee 2. Huge fan of the first. Wasn’t expecting the second one to be so damn good though!

In recent weeks, I’ve been trying to catch up on what seem to be highly-regarded art games from the past few years.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to drop into the comments and thank you all for the support. It means the world to me, and it’s one of the few things helping me get through this. You’re the best.

Thanks for all the great articles over the years Matt, and good luck on whatever comes next!

Best of luck and best wishes on future endeavors, Matt. I’ve never been too active on the Gameological part of the site, being a pretty casual game-player these days. But about a month ago, I asked for your input on Celeste, as it was the type of game I normally steer clear of, but one of your blurbs caught my

Long time reader, years and years and years. Very rare poster. But i had to chime in to say that you will be missed. The energy and spirit in which you share words with us is fantastic. Take care and god speed and good luck!

For posterity’s sake, let me bid you a fond farewell here as well, Matt.

Godammit this fuckin’ sucks! A salute to you Gerardi, I’ve been posting here since the halcyon days of 2013 when the site first popped up. You’re a great dude and you’ve helped make this the best place to talk about video games online for the last 5 years. It’s seriously been bar none. Lots of great sites are out

Thanks for helping to make this site what it is. It is literally the only place I post anything online.

All the best Matt! Thanks for helping make this such a fun and chill place to talk games.

Thank you for your service, Matt. Gameological in all its forms is a lovely little haven of niceness in the gaming internet (I mean, Kotaku isn’t quite as bad as its reputation sometimes had it...) I do miss the regular games content here which seems to have dwindled considerably from even the pre-Kinja days, let

Thank you so much, Matt, for keeping this column running. I haven’t been able to post much recently, but this section was always something I looked forward to. Just being able to talk with such a basic prompt that often led to great discussions, it has always been a highlight. Good luck in where you’re going, and see

Sorry to see you go Matt, I hope you go on to great things.