Venerable Monk

In an effort to clear some games off my Steam backlog, I’ve instituted a totally arbitrary rule for myself. At any given time I’m allowed to have up to five games in progress:

1. One PC game from the past year (currently, that game is Ruiner)

I have been playing quite a bit of Hollow Knight recently. I wasn’t really a fan of the art going into it, nor did I really like the gloomy overall setting. But I found myself drawn into the game despite myself. I don’t know if there’s anything truly original to it, but it does so many things so well that I’m almost

So busy, so busy all the time. This weekend will be spent shuttling Intern Flam to LEGO League events, including Regionals, so I’ll be bringing my 3DS with me to put some more time into Pokemon Ultra Sun. It’s always interesting to see who crops up to balance your team early on. If you’d told me Grubbin and Wingull

I’m swamped with great games right now which is good but damn I did not think metal gear solid v would get its claws in me. The opening is dumb as hell and the story is disappointing without even addressing the complete lack of panache or pacing it’s told with. But hot damn is that game play good.

MGSV does a lot

Now playing

Happy December, everybody (aw dip, I forgot to spend my My Nintendo coins last month, womp-womp)!

I really like that idea of bringing music for everyone to enjoy and explore, especially since it is a better default conversation than the one we have everyday bemoaning the current state of things. After all, it’s Thanksgiving, I wanna give thanks. So if someone gets me into Carly Rae despite my preconceived notions,

When I’m not preparing Thanksgiving dinner (starting with The Brining tonight), serving Thanksgiving dinner, cleaning up after Thanksgiving dinner, or redecorating the house for Christmas, I’ll be playing Pokemon Ultra Sun, my first foray to the Alola region. I snatched up the Steelbook dual edition last Thursday so

My friends and I joked that “Box 8" contained two things: a match, and a coupon for $10 off your next copy of Pandemic Legacy with the hope that you won’t screw up so badly. (We opened it after finishing as well.)

We just put our first month of Season 2 to bed this week. The game is... different, and it’s great to see

Nah dude, steal my thunder all you want. No harm done. It’s nice not to have to think of a new prompt every week.

Gosh, this is a tough prompt! I’m not a developer (professionally, though I’ve been very slowly working on an RPG for the last couple of years), but I have thoughts on the topic anyway. i think there are a few key features that make a world feel compelling: (1) communities with their own small stories, not involving

Haven’t tried Overwatch’s Moira yet, since I limited myself to playing a single match last night to get the 1st win bonus. (Plus, I already have the 9 arcade matches done - Zenyatta is great in the 4v4 Deathmatch, if you’re used to playing as him.) Hoping the slow rez on Mercy will stop me from trying to dive in and

I don’t want to steal Merve’s thunder for the AWP, but I was thinking: the reward for open world games that do it right seems to be the world itself (in my opinion. If you feel this isn’t true, explain why!).
So, if you deign to answer an upstart newcomer in place of Merve:
What makes a world interesting or worth

Woohoo, made it back into Keyboard Geniuses!!

I only played Mercy in Arcade (No Limits and Low Grav) but man, I just died every single time I rezzed or tried to rez. I wasn’t having a great night, overall, though, so it might have just been me.

Is that ending crazy or what?! I have to say, there was a puzzle in that section involving a flaming box and a sprinkler that I struggled with long enough (like 5-7 minutes, but still) that the horror of what was happening started to turn into slapstick... and maybe that section is just a little bit too long in

Grew tired of the few bloated AAA games on my plate and hopped over to my backlog to finally play Inside and holy shit that’s a good goddam video game.

Moira was released on Overwatch last night so I’m probably going to spend my weekend trying her out. I did a few things with her last night (just Arcade stuff, as the PS4 servers are always a nightmare when a big patch comes out) and I think I’m going to have to switch her controls. (R2 is heal and L2 is damage but

My boyfriend’s been playing this, and it does seem meaningfully different from the typical Assassin’s Creed. I’m not sure if it’s different enough for me to really want to give it a go, but it’s easier to admire the craftsmanship of the historical setting and overall visual design when you aren’t being completely

Hey man, hang tight. I played that game 2 times out of college after getting fired from 2 consecutive jobs. It’s a slog of a game to get through and can seem like it’s not worth it but it does have an end. Putting it behind you is a really nice achievement and helps ground you later on.

I downloaded and played the first hour or two of MGS V and basically saw that all the criticisms were true. Nice tight gameplay, and a seemingly hollow, unneccesarry story. And what’s a Metal Gear game without Story?