Venerable Monk

Speaking solely for myself; I ‘taint bothered by the violence one bit. The preview just didn’t really show me anything intriguing enough to justify continuing the series after the concise, well-resolved narrative of the first one.

It’s already creeping me out, because there’s a guy out there causing chaos and the game is called “Firewatch” for a reason...not to mention my 8bitdo FC30 Pro is not mapping directions and buttons correctly, which is causing frustration, and there’s not enough control configuration...

We will never speak of the IB Samurai Space armor again.


On the Switch, it’s mostly been Super Mario Odyssey with a few jaunts back into Stardew Valley. On mobile, it’s been a whole lot of Fire Emblem Heroes and HQ Trivia.

Super Mario Odyssey. Obviously. I’m closing in on 400 moons (or maybe a bit past...?) and having a blast. Getting very close to whatever the next discovery is!

As always, I will be playing Destiny 2 this weekend. Specifically, I will be raiding in an attempt to get finish the Legend of Acrius exotic shotgun quest. After that, I will be taking break from D2. Not because I am getting tired of it, I just don’t want to get burned out on it, since I’ve been playing almost nothing

I finished Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, which has made it into my top Games of 2017 list, though not all the way to the top. The story and writing are first class; the shooting is very good, but not quite up there with Doom. There’s slightly too much time spent in grey corridors, and only one instance of riding a

What Have You Finished This Week?

I knew of Devolver prior to last Summer’s E³, but wasn’t truly in my radar until their taped keynote parody. What a lovely company with such joie de vivre. If it weren’t the near antithesis of my playing style (or if it had some auto aim help) it might be a blast to play, pun not intended.

Hey look: A religious nutbag turns out to be a complete hypocrite too. What a su-prise.

My inkling girl from Splatoon!

Rey, Star Wars

For those who haven’t played it, Inside really is a stunning achievement in video game storytelling. Its wordless, impressionistic “story” (such as it is) is one that really couldn’t be told with the same effectiveness in any other medium. And yes, it has perhaps the most bonkers ending in all of gaming.

The last 10 minutes of Inside I was just saying “Oh God, oh God, WTF” over and over again. Once it ended I just kind of sat there wondering what I just saw. I still don’t know. Obviously I’m not supposed to, but every time I think about it I can’t muster much of a response beyond this:

They’re quite handy in opening up a front for your enemy while you attack from the opposite direction, though!

Damn it, I need to bookmark this and come back when I play Inside.

My boring-ass brother always tried to win by making it to the moon first, but that option was so lame that they didn’t even bother to include a launch button in the NES port.

Being a petulant tyrant who sues for peace when things don’t work out but is otherwise an aggressive world-ender is the only way to play, as I understand it.

Wait... becoming the world power and annihilating your enemies through nuclear war is the WRONG way to play Civ?