Venerable Monk

Well the TV’s from the 80s. (I know because I owned damn near that exact model.) But it’s hard to play a video game on a 16mm film projector, so this isn’t too bad a substitute.

Bro, did you pay any attention to Charlottesville? Did you NOT see all those assholes parading around with swastikas on their arms, shouting slogans from Otto von Bismarck, and fuckwads saying things like “Hitler did nothing wrong”?

Trump is doing just fine tying Nazis to Trump without any help from Bethesda.

If people don’t like being correctly identified as Nazis then maybe they should stop marching in hate rallies with Nazis, supporting fascist policies, and voting for a guy that calls Nazis fine people.

I see where you’re coming from in the wider discussion, but this is an article about people literally saying that a game promoting ousting literal Nazis from America is a “political stance” that they are unhappy with. I’m guessing they’re probably fuming about something in the wider discussion, but it’s factually

Well, the President seems to think some Nazis are “very fine people.”

Pretty sure there are real swastikas in that trailer...

Okay, first thing’s first. In DL’s absence for the month, I’ll be hosting October’s Mario Kart 8 on the Eighth. This month’s theme? Shells, because “shell” rhymes with “hell,” and look; it’s not like I can just make us play on nothing but Twisted Mansion.

We should always strive to alienate Nazis. No, wait, I meant annihilate.

I’m buying this sucker on day one.

I remember there used to be so many WW2 games because it was considered completely morally safe to kill Nazis; they were the ultimate evil and ultimate bad guys.

How does the tutorial flow in this game? Does it start with one long block of tutorial missions, or do they space them out with a few less hand-holdy missions in between that lets you practice the skills you’ve already learned?

It’s even called the Pleasure Gardens!

I got roped into doing the raid on the Xbone with some college friends late last night and I picked up a couple of strategies that might help the clan tonight and for future runs. The bathhouse is pretty straight forward, so I didn’t learn anything new there. For the hounds, I ran with the bean on the right and had a

The three encounters prior to the raid boss rotate on a weekly basis, so the order is always different. You could never complete any of them, but still have a chance to try and learn them (excluding the final boss).

I haven’t touched the raid and all three of my characters are almost maxed. I did not participate in any grind. Just did weekly objectives.

I’m running the raid tonight with some friends, including people I met here on the AV Club. I really wish we could get it down to 90 minutes. I think at this point, now that we’ve done it, we can complete most of it pretty quickly. But we’ve yet to actually fight the boss. I think that’s the goal for this week.

I haven’t raided in D2 and probably won’t anytime soon. I’m at 298 power level and I have to say it’s kept the game from getting stale too quickly. I’m a solo player, but they give you enough during the weekly reset to make it possible to eventually get up to 305 before the next max power level hits. I realized that

The current Power level (Destiny 2's unnecessary new name for light level) max is 305 and you can get there without ever touching the raid, though it will obviously speed you up to do it. Every reset, you have a number of set tasks to accomplish that will unlock “Powerful gear” which is just legendary and sometimes