Venerable Monk

I’ts frustrating that bad online behavior seems like it should be a simple thing for game companies to fix. Maybe add a feature where players rate each other (ala Demon’s Souls) or somehow tie reputation (reports of racist / sexual / abusive behavior) to online ID. But this is unlikely to happen until companies see it

Ah, I figured it was something like that. I’m nowhere near the level cap needed to do Competitive Mode yet, and am frankly not looking forward to it.

So nicely put, and I love that the pendulum is finally starting to swing the other way. I hope people with influence can teach people that being productive is more effective, and that dedicated systems can give people a way to vet their teammates prior to jumping into a Tinder for Destiny.

It’s not anywhere near as narratively funny as Gunpoint, but it’s more likely to encourage you to do dumb, weird interesting stuff for reasons better than “I can.”

I think we’re due for a new Advance Wars! Turn-based strategy is now known to be a hot seller in Switch, and that series is due for a new iteration. I’m thinking if they want to do something new they can combine small and large scale strategies like XCOM with global resource management.

Yeah, I’ve run into this issue too, mostly in World of Warcraft raids, and it makes for a handy rule of thumb as to whether to stick with it. After losing to a difficult boss/team, does the group:

Sounds good to me! My SR is, um, I have no idea. Low, I assume.

I’m also on PS4! As BMaverik (it’s a James Garner reference, not Top Gun, I swear!). I’d love to team up sometime. Be warned, I will very likely be a liability to your or anyone else’s team at present.

You must really like fish. :P

He can read an offense with such ease and intuition, and the only wish is that he’d share more of HOW he manages to read it, so we can start looking for it ourselves. He is putting everyone to shame! I watch Cincinnati Reds games where the announcers might as well not even be there - they often don’t even describe

It’s funny that I’ve seen Matt show up on my 3DS friends list this week, seeing He’s playing Silver, and it never once occurred to me it’s not out yet, despite setting the pre order in the eShop! I also love Will’s description of Heat Signature, because a game that calls for desperate measures sounds kinda liberating

I’m off to Essen at the end of October, and after sitting out last year to take a break, I’ll be competing once again in the Europemasters tournament. The games this year are First Class (nominally about trains), Great Western Trail (driving cattle in the old west), Lorenzo il Magnifico (worker placement, very

Congrats on being hunGry for knowledge! I hope you have a great time with Route B and the rest of NieR Automata!

While I wonder aloud what game to which Gerardi is referring, I’m going to start this off by one bit of housecleaning: due to DL unfortunately being unavailable to do so in October, I’ll be taking over the next Mario Kart 8 on the Eighth. I’ll provide a screen capture and details for it on next week’s WAYPTW and

No way. The Block & Tackle articles were great and hilarious.

They could have also included Marquis Elmdore from FFT, especially if you had bad luck with the RNG and slow units who only moved after Celia and Lede massacred Rafa on their first move. And that fight comes right after Weigraf! What a dick punch Riovannes Castle was, especially with the fight at the gates being

I had blocked the Wiegraf/Velius fight from my memory until you brought it up just now. I lost a rather long save file when I first played that game as a teen.

The toughest boss of all used to be Mom. I can’t count the number of times I had to abandon games mid-game because if I didn’t “come upstairs right this instant, mister” I would “be in trouble.” And then she’d start counting down.

That’s why I gotta rep Future War Cult in faction battle. Their perfect color combo of purple, red, and burnt orange just screams taste.

Frakkin Toasters is alive and well and we haven’t lost any of the original crew. In fact we’ve gained several more members.