Venerable Monk

Hey, while I can still catch you: What platform are you playing Overwatch on? I’m on PS4 as VenerableMonk27, and I’m always looking for folks to play with! You should also hit up the unofficial Gameological Discord server, as that’s where a good amount of us Gameo commenters do our game discussin’ outside of normal

Oh hey! I really loved Gunpoint! I’ll have to check out Heat Signature for sure!

Oops got the letters mixed up. That one also got me twice because I thought I did something wrong the first time. It was ending G that I didn’t expect to get by exploring different paths at the beginning of route B.

My brother was telling me that Romo was basically calling every play right before it happened, even down to who the ball was going to. It sounds like he was doing both play-by-play and color commentary, effectively putting every announcer I’ve ever seen to shame.

I’m looking forward to your report on Essen! It’s always a joy to hear what weird new games you’ve found there.

Hi folks! Not too much to report this week. I did finish my first play-through of Nier: Automata, and I’m really looking forward to the second one. For those in the know, I’ve found endings A, G, K, and T. I was especially surprised by ending G, since it was the first one I found, and I accidentally found ending K

He did say on Twitter that the B&T articles would resume when the TV show goes on hiatus!

Sorry for the double post. Kinja had temporarily eaten my first one.

I’d say Wiegraf/Velius deserves a much higher spot on the list, mainly because you’re allowed to save before the fight, but not leave to grind. Tons of folks (myself included) went into that fight blind without realizing this, and didn’t keep a second save file handy in case things went south. If you’re not specced

I’d say Wiegraf/Velius deserves a much higher spot on the list, mainly because you’re allowed to save before the fight, but not leave to grind. Tons of folks (myself included) went into that fight blind without realizing this, and didn’t keep a second save file handy in case things went south. If you’re not specced

I was worried about that very thing. All the promo videos and images I’ve seen show these guardians wearing armor pieces from the same set paired with a sensible shader, and all I could say was #NotMyDestiny.

Good to hear!

Seconded! I’m looking forward to rejoining the clan in my most gloriously ugly outfits this winter.

Oops! This comment section got toxic quick! Not that I want to weigh in on what amounts to “who counts?” when it comes to liking your chosen hobby. Nah, I’d rather talk about what drew me to Destiny in the first place, and what kept me interested enough to try the raids (and eventually beat them!) with my group of

Hey, has anybody seen the announcements about the upcoming Mugsters?

Yeah, I feel like Mercy’s new ult can really shine in situations where the team fight is pretty condensed and you don’t have to put yourself at a ton of risk to rez someone. I think you’re right that this will be more likely to happen on KOTH and 2CP (mostly defense) when your team is uncoordinated. The ideal would

I just had an excellent pork bun the other day and thought of this vendor! I quote him all the dang time, such that my partner (who has never played Sleeping Dogs) knows his most famous line by heart and rolls her eyes as she recites it.

The blue bow is in fact a reward for completing a side quest, but I won’t spoil which one. You’ll find that a lot of things get easier once you have fast-travel, so progressing the story first is probably a good idea. At this point, I keep running down side quests only to hit a wall when the next marker requires me

Those changes to D.Va and Mercy really are drastic, aren’t they? I feel like you can still protect one or two people with defense matrix, but there’s no way you’re going to eat an entire ult with her anymore.

Hey Folks! It’s been a bit! I missed the Friday Gameological festivities entirely last week due to a death in the family (one we knew was coming, but still hurt). And after that I bopped out to Minneapolis for my brother’s bachelor party, so you can imagine the range of emotions I traversed while I was away from