Venerable Monk

The A.V Club has been around for quite some time, at, but was only recently brought over to live under the same Gawker umbrella as Kotaku. If you peel open that A.V. Club vertical at the top of the page and click through to the Games section, you’ll notice that this site has been covering games for years.

Ready yourself for this take:


They’re coming over in waves. I’m getting hundreds of Kinja notifications a day for discussions that took place on Disqus years ago. At that rate, it’ll probably be a minute before they get every last comment section back where it belongs.

Anyone know when the first DLC pack is coming out for Destiny 2? Because that’s when I told myself I’d pick it up, especially if there’s some kind of package discount at that time. With the game starting over at square one from a content standpoint, I’m not super interested in running the same handful strikes and

You’re absolutely right that Bungie introduced a ton of vague ideas with the implied promise of revealing the specifics as you play the game, but they never deliver those specifics. The Traveler brought new technology and the ability resurrect the dead, but they have no interest in telling the player how a ball

I think the biggest reason I haven’t even attempted to find the NES or SNES Classic is that I can’t think of anyone that would want to play it with me. My partner didn’t grow up with any video games at home, and everything she plays now has all the modern design features and quality of life improvements that have

Confession time! The only Metroid gave I’ve ever played all the way through is Metroid: Prime. I picked up the Prime trilogy to play on my WiiU last year and I’ve only gotten around to playing the first one. I’ve dabbled in some of the earlier entries, but never did much beyond exploring the first areas. I see a

I would totally join you for some Overwatch, if we’re on the same platform. I’ve got it on PS4, and my handle there (and pretty much anywhere) is VenerableMonk27. I know of several Gameological folks that still play regularly, with at least a few on each platform. If you stop by the Discord server, you can find a good

Hey, thanks for the plug! I’m hoping we can begin to branch out and get more regular gaming sessions going for some other popular titles among the commentariat. What game are you quietly hoping to play with some of the finest folks you can find in a comment section?

Uh oh! Between Purdom’s take above and all the chatter on my various social media feeds, you guys are really making me feel like I should pick up Destiny 2! But I’m so committed to waiting until there’s more content! I have so many other games to play!

Glad to hear that you’re starting to figure things out, and that you’ve found your way to our Discord haunt. Gerardi’s been popping into the chat there occasionally to give us the odd update, and last time he was by he mentioned that he’s doing his darndest to follow all the Gameological regulars that couldn’t get

We’re still here! A few folks have moved on, but you’ll still find many of the familiar avatars from the last site. Have you checked out the Kinjamprove Chrome extension? The indented threading and collapsing features are incredibly valuable to me. Really the only things I miss from Disqus at present are the email

Enjoy that cathartic deletion! I’ll get on the Destiny 2 train eventually, but not likely before the first DLC stop. You should pick up Mario Kart 8 (if you don’t have it already) and join us for MK8 on the 8th nights! It’s generally a rousing tournament, and a handful of us get together on the Unofficial

They really are changing a bunch of things in Overwatch right now, aren’t they? Mercy’s playstyle is totally changing, Roadhog and Junkrat are already super different, and of course D.Va’s losing her biggest advantage over the other tanks. I remain optimistic about D.Va, though, because I really liked diving the

Happy birthday, Brakeman!

Thanks! That sounds like an advanced skill for my character, but would probably be a pretty good way to grind out some XP once I’m totally weaned off the tutorial walking boot. My quest-givers keep coming up with new and interesting ways to make me use all the various muscles and tendons that have been resting for

I fully understand that I’m a weirdo, but I like audience requests and commentary while I’m gaming. This is especially true in games where there’s an “optimal” path or play-style. In general, I like to be quick and efficient when dispatching an enemy or completing a task, but having an audience means I can show them

Hey folks. This past week has been mostly Overwatch, with a touch of Tacoma on the side. I ran through all ten placement matches last night for Season 6 of Competitive Overwatch, and found myself only 100 points lower than my ending rating from Season 5. I had heard that they were removing the rollback mechanism that

You know, in the normal course of things I’d probably say I tried Pokemon Go, got tired of the lack of challenge and endless grind, and won’t be trying Walking Dead: Our World for the same reasons. But I just recently ditched the crutches after having surgery a couple months ago, and I’ve got a lot of low-impact