Venerable Monk

I'm sure we've had this conversation before. I tend to dislike terms like walking simulator because they're often used derisively to indicate what the speaker perceives as missing from the game. Rather than trying to come up with some other name that more accurately describes what you do in such a game, the topic

They didn't take the X-Files collection, so they can't have made off with everything of value! But seriously, I was actually really broken up by the ending. At the same time you're relieved that neither of the girls hurt themselves, and overjoyed that they're together, but I couldn't help but feel like they were too

I already know I'm going to love this game. Gone Home is among a small handful of games that brought me to tears, and it's probably the only one of those that also scared me. And we're not talking about any of the jump scares. I was actually scared for the safety of a character, thanks to the strength of

Yeah, I guess I was pretty hard on a game that I've spent countless hours playing. If I had spent several more paragraphs digging into the details of what makes each experience work, I'm sure Destiny would have come out looking considerably better. But I was at work when I wrote that comment!

It was neat!

We've got a dedicated Splatoon channel on the Unofficial Gameological Discord server, if you'd like to put the call out there. I know we have at least a few owners of Splatoon 2 in our ranks. Here's the link to the server:

My partner and I are always looking for new 2-player board games to try. Hughes is absolutely right that most games treat that group size as an afterthought, with the most interesting mechanics and balancing taking place for groups of 3 or more. You especially have to love games that just throw up their hands and

Minecraft is notoriously bad for hogging resources. When I played it regularly, I had at least 3 separate mods installed to mitigate the performance issues. Things like culling blocks you can't see, simplifying the lighting, and some things I didn't even understand what it was doing. But it did make the game run a

I'd be really surprised if Destiny 2 didn't have the Silver coins from D1 (or some new currency you can buy with IRL money). I think the reason I'm totally fine with Overwatch's loot boxes for real money is that it's purely cosmetic, you can get all the same things just by playing a lot, and it's the only way they

Ha! I'm sure I'll be back at it eventually, but don't go looking for me on day one.

Man, I thought for sure Nintendo would do something to make it easier to play Splatoon 2 with friends. Built in voice chat, joining your friend's lobby, heck even a notification that a friend sent you a message with the console messenger app would be something. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely think I would love

I thought such a thing would happen for me, and actually dropped Overwatch from my regular rotation only a couple weeks after I picked it up. I had tried a good portion of the heroes, unlocked a few things, and wasn't really sure it was going to stick for me.

I think the only part I miss about Destiny is exploring new content and fighting in the crucible with Gameological friends (@snazzlenuts:disqus among them). Without the social aspects of Destiny, it feels fairly empty to me. Like you're just practicing and making the numbers go up for the next time you can get the

Bungie will always be the company that taught me to love online shooting games, but Purdom is absolutely right that their inventiveness in the multiplayer space has been completely overshadowed by the likes of Overwatch and Splatoon.

I really shouldn't be surprised after Bastion and Transistor, but the art for this game is just gorgeous. I especially love the costume design (or is it uniform design?) in the banner image. It's no small thing to design an aesthetic for an outfit that works on any number of body types and sizes. Do game developers

Speaking of setting a difficulty scale that makes sense, I totally agree that developers seem to be much more interested in making sure nearly their entire audience can see their game through to the end. It only makes sense that they wouldn't want to gate people out from getting the whole experience because they

I posted really late in the WAYPTW comments, so I'll comment here too! I've revived my play-through of Dark Souls II: SotFS, mainly because EpicNameBro is streaming it in two hour chunks and I like following my play-through of an area by watching his. I'm enjoying it a lot more knowing I can go back for secrets I

This week I've been getting back into Dark Souls II: SotFS of all things! I realize just last week I was writing about getting into Bloodborne, but I saw that EpicNameBro was doing his first play-through with DLC on Twitch (in two hour chunks for easy translation to YouTube). So I got to thinking about my abandoned

Thanks for highlighting this! I'm voting now, and I'm super disappointed that my girl Rosalina looks like she's going to lose to Bowser in the second round. What kind of seeding is this?!

I really ought to give this game a try. I grew up playing SM64, and even have a Gamecube, but never picked Sunshine up. I skipped the Wii completely, so I only got around to trying Galaxy on the Wii U virtual console. I suppose I'd have to figure out how to get my hands on a copy first. It looks like there's some