Venerable Monk

I was part of an engineering research group involved in solar energy technologies (mostly solar hot water systems and biofuels made with solar energy techniques), so we spent a decent amount of time comparing the energy and materials footprints of our ideas to the petrochemical industry. You'd have a pretty hard time

I'm guessing the plastic used to make the rest of the case (not to mention the rare metals in the chips) has a larger environmental footprint than the thin strip of wood adhered to the front of it.

Sure thing! The flooring folks quoted the materials and labor at about $10.50 per square foot. That's for 2nd grade maple. They also tacked on about $300 to remove the carpet, $150 for a high-traffic finish, and $600 to install new baseboards and vents. Our current baseboards and vents are all mismatched trash. We're

I believe it! Getting ganked by three dudes when I thought I'd isolated one in a corner, and trying to lure dudes to my hiding spots without getting shot by the sentry was pretty nerve-wracking! They also toss a couple of pretty tough enemies at you, like the ogre-looking dude at the bottom of the street and the two

Hi folks! This weekend is going to be nuts! We're playing Get Wood Floors Installed next week, which is a game that involves so many sub-quests just to get started: emptying the entire first floor of furniture, trapping the cat in an upstairs bedroom, and buying new baseboards and vents all while I'm still

Perhaps the author is referring to the Brinell Hardness Number of the games? Or maybe the Rockwell scale? How deeply can you indent a game disc these days? Is a Switch cartridge harder than a 3DS cartridge? I don't even know how you'd test the hardness of a digital release…

My biggest gaming surprise is that I'm still playing so much Overwatch more than a year after its release. In fact, I don't think I've played through a single 2017 title, despite many of them being right up my alley, and I think both my backlog of 2016 games and the hours I've put into Overwatch are the main

A nice mnemonic device for the Catholics (or Catholic-adjacents) in the crowd!

"The Word of the Lord."

Me too! Splatoon 2 is probably the game that will cause me to break down and buy a Switch, if we're being honest with ourselves.

Good to know we won't be violating the End User License Agreement!

Enjoy LiS! My only advice is to open your heart to the messy teenage emotions. That game can really grab hold of you if you let it!

This weekend my gaming convalescence continues! I'm off the pain meds for my recent Achilles repair surgery, so I'm back at work and only gaming in the evening hours again. My partner and some of our friends are off on a ladies-only wilderness canoe trip, so you all know what that means for the dudes still at home: W

They've skipped weeks before. Probably weeks where we were all too collectively dull to write any comments worth featuring. (Or, more likely, they were all too busy writing other stuff.)

I can totally understand the first impression that you've gotten so far, but based on the way you're describing your experience, I have a feeling you're in for a few surprises if you stick it out a bit longer than chapter one. Totally up to you, though.

You should definitely stick with LiS! It gets so good!

That's when I play too! (I'm in the midwest.) No worries about being awkward on mic. I mostly stick to simple call-outs and other in-game observations during matches, though I may play along a bit if some stranger is looking for conversation.

Hey, are you looking for more pleasant folks to play Overwatch with? I'm VenerableMonk27 on PS4, and I'm always looking for more chill folks to hang out with online.

Oh man, I love online multiplayer, mostly shooters and Mario Kart 8! I cut my teeth in the online shooter scene playing the Halo series in college, and for me nothing else comes close for playing against human opponents. As you may have seen elsewhere, my current jam is Overwatch, but before that it was Destiny and

Oh yeah, you should also play Overwatch. Just sayin…