Venerable Monk

I'm "Monk" on the WiiU, and I was there this time around.

Ha! I bet he saw it as an opportunity to pass both of us.

May the odds be in your favor in your Overwatch placement matches! This will actually be an interesting time to try out competitive because the end of season 4 is only a couple weeks away. Most folks are already sorted into something resembling their comfortable tiers, so you won't have to deal with getting paired

Hello Folks! This past week marked another great entry in the Mario Kart 8 on the 8th series with DLC tracks only! We had seven people together at one point, which made for some pretty intense races. My favorite moment of the night was shelling @DrFlimFlam:disqus only to have his son, Lil Flammy, immediately avenge

Yep. It was an incredible pain, and required an almost trance-like state to achieve the input rhythm necessary to avoid all the walls for such a long stretch of time.

Our fireteam beat the Vault of Glass updated raid in Destiny, including the challenge mode for the final boss. Also, I got the "one shot, two kills" trophy using Soldier 76's missiles in Overwatch. I didn't see the second person hiding by my target, so I didn't even realize I'd done it until the message popped up.

Oh yeah! I also posted a handful of my most ridiculous Overwatch plays on the internet. If you want to see Lucio boops, Winston surprises, and an aerial Reinhardt pin, you should check out this playlist:

Another insane week at my office, so I've barely had time to read the Gameological articles, much less comment on them! I did carve out a couple hours this week to try Grim Fandango, which is incredibly charming. With my partner looking on and offering the occasional idea, we made it out of the office and through

I'm experiencing a similar thing, now that we've started a new product development cycle at my office (hence the weekend comment). Maybe we'll bump into each other showing up late to these articles!

I picked up the Scholar of the First Sin edition for PS4 a while back, so it's got all the reworked stuff. I'm not sure what's holding me back exactly, but Manotaur's suggestion that starting areas aren't all that interesting to explore might have something to do with it.

Oh man, who knew the sniper main problem would carry over into PvE? I would have expected that they would be somewhat more helpful there, since most of the robots are content to stand stock still while you shoot them in the head. Of course, sniping into shields is generally a dumb idea, so I can see how snipers

Will do then! When I last played I had pretty much run out of places to go besides Heide's Tower of Flame, if I haven't missed any hidden side paths. I found and killed a two-tailed scorpion boss after much curses and sneaky ghost stabs. I also found what must be a back way into The Lost Bastille because a thorough

More Overwatch as usual for me! I'm still digging the Uprising event and still hoping to pick up my second Uprising skin. The excitement, and then disappointment, I experience upon finding a duplicate legendary item in a loot box is kind of silly to me. The plus side is that these false idols have given me enough

The ravages of time and lack of affordable service parts?

If only Nintendo supported some way to message a group of users that opted in to a community. You know, like every other gaming platform. Of course, no one example is perfect. If that were the case, there would be no drive to create a better communication experience, a la Discord.

I, too, am loving the Overwatch: Uprising event! I picked up the new Widowmaker skin on my very first loot box, so it's already been a huge success. I better figure out which other one I need to purchase with my growing pile of gold, though I already bought the D.Va Selfie Intro. She and Lucio are in a never-ending

Yarp, it was a seriously light turnout for MK8ot8th. I showed up for the second half to find a single other racer named Ben. It turns out we were the only two Kartists that actually had a race that night, he representing NEEEEEERDS and I faithfully holding up my end with Enthusiasts. I'm proud to say I carried the

Hey folks! This being a week in which I had time for gaming, naturally I played Overwatch. The skill I've been working on the most lately is "talking to strangers on the internet", with varying degrees of success. This is clearly a game where communication gives you a huge leg up over an uncoordinated enemy team,

Living, changing languages: the bane of pedants since the word "pædagogans" was first contracted to "pedant" in the common usage, infuriating pædagogans the world over.

"That city-wide sexy group shower was a huge mistake! Why the hell did we think it was a good idea to make the Facebook Event page public?"