Venerable Monk

Oh, I'd actually prefer if they did another 90's-set GTA, but allowed you to steal cars and root around in the glove box for whatever tapes or CDs you can find. Just like being able to carry around an inhuman number of guns, you'd have your whole music collection in your back pocket, but could only listen to them if

I thought the side missions in GTA III and beyond (never played V) were handled with more discipline than your average open-world game. Every time you completed a story mission, there was a chance you'd get a few new markers on the map for side missions, but it was never a deluge. (e.g. You'd do a street race as

Did it also burn off all my ugly clothes?! Are all the guardians running around naked at the beginning of the new game?! Can I find newer, even more uglier clothes?! *madly clicks the preorder button until it breaks*

Happy Birthday!

That's the thing about racism. You don't have to consciously decide you're a racist in order to act like one. We all grow up steeped in it.

It seems you all have been fooled into buying a new thing that it turns out you really enjoy! What capitalist madness is this?!

Hello everybody! I've had barely any time at all for gaming this week, save for an hour or so of Overwatch last night, so there's not much to report. Orisa is released for competitive play now, so pretty much every match has two of them. In some cases it can be pretty unfortunate to have an Orisa on your team, as

I'd take generic rock jihadists over synth-pop jihadists or easy listening jihadists any day of the week!

I half-expected such after seeing the low comment count. I still find it so weird that folks think it's worthwhile to "counteract" what they see as negative reviews with angry comments. If anything, Gerardi is saying "there's some good stuff in here, if you dig around a bit". And a bunch of these comments amount to

Welcome to the A.V. Club! You've found yourself smack-dab in the middle of a multi-part review, referred to here as a "Game In Progress". The format is the author plays through the entire game on a less aggressive timeline than a single launch-day review demands, and checks in at least a couple of times during that

Excellent point. You could spend hours discussing the meaning of a good portion of games (or weeks, as the Gameologitariat tends to), but it becomes more difficult to discuss the artistic merit of something like shovelware, with assets and mechanics ripped wholesale from some other game and re-badged for the sole

Sure, but companies who publish books do not call themselves artists, and it's pretty rare for books to be self-published. And you'll have a hard time gaining traction with the idea that the set of folks who call themselves "writers" and the set who call themselves "artists" do not intersect.

Well sure, but you could say the same thing about big movie studios, book publishers, or even folks who commissioned portraits of themselves centuries ago. The artists are the folks doing the creation, not the people providing the funding. There are even smaller studios where such a distinction is meaningless

Yeah, there's a good chance that there just weren't very many big groups playing QP at the time. If they had a hard limit on the skill levels of folks you could be matched with while playing in 4+ player groups, it's possible you'd be waiting really long (or all night sometimes) for a suitable team to come out of a

I've always felt like Quick Play is such a toss up, at least on PS4. (I assume you were in Quick Play since you mentioned playing as Orisa.) Either you're wrecking folks or getting wrecked, and you'll almost never find anyone else in the team chat. I also think that matchmaking spends it's efforts matching you with

Which I guess is just "sploosh"…

Game finishing weekends are the best weekends. It means you get to play partway through a bunch of new games!

Yeah, it seems like an odd choice to include Ironman mode in such a game. Perhaps they weren't expecting players to choose it on the first playthrough? Expecting them to know what each battle would be going in?

Oh man. I would never be able to bring myself to choose Ironman mode in a game with a narrative.

Oh man, I would really appreciate an Android release for Typeshift! I've played a couple of the daily puzzles, and I could see it easily becoming my go-to mobile game.