Venerable Monk

Upvoted for the hacking trophy! I got that one on Eichenwalde a couple weeks ago by the skin of my teeth. I spent the whole attack phase dropping a transporter, rushing out to hack someone, teleporting back, repeat ad nauseum. I just barely managed to pick up my last few hacks with a well-timed ultimate right

Ha! My partner just tells me everything I'm wearing in Destiny looks stupid or ugly, which is exactly why I'm wearing it, thanks!

Definitely first-person shooters, online matchmaking. Lately it's been Overwatch, but I've also been known to play Destiny, CoD:MW Whatever The Current Number Was, the Halo series, etc. I'm sure it's something about the way you have to stay alert and focused to not die that helps me take my mind off of whatever has

Definitely! For a while, I kept getting wrecked by Roadhogs because I'd pop up right in front of them to attack without waiting for them to use the hook. Even after the update, it's still so easy to hook fast characters from seemingly impossible locations!

This week has been all Overwatch all the time! I've had the place to myself, so I took the break between competitive seasons to try to learn a few more heroes and add to my viable options for the next season.

Regardless of what "most consumers" picked up on at the time, I find it pretty hard to dismiss Wanserski's assertion that the rainbows in the Activision art convey motion. For all three of the examples shown, the rainbows are literally depicting the path that the protagonist is travelling. For Pitfall and River

Must not be. I loved using Pharah to clear out the flag area from a safe distance, pushing everyone back to their spawn with a well-timed Roaghog ult, or walling off enemies in pursuit of the flag with Mei. I suppose it is a bit more limiting than your average shooter, because some heroes just can't fill certain

They really captured the dominant gameplay style for our household: Run around until you find someone (usually by screen-peeking), then stand stock still and go for headshots. Unfortunately, they don't have body armor or proximity mines in Overwatch, or they could have made one player load up the body armor spawn

They just introduced a CTF mode that shakes up the usual team fights quite a bit. Because teams almost never send everyone out to capture the enemy flag, there's all kinds of opportunities for smaller skirmishes.

The Witness starts super slow, and didn't really grab me until I started running into puzzles that were not at all obvious at a first glance. Give it some time, and you might find more things to keep you interested beyond the solving of individual panels themselves.

This week was even more Overwatch! With the Year of the Rooster event over and five of the skins safely stowed in my hero gallery, I'm looking at expanding my stable of viable hero choices. I almost always fill pick and end up playing a lot of support/tank roles in competitive mode.

Psh. Everyone knows that raw meat goes on the floor. That counter space is for cooked meat!

My uncle had that very device and shared it with me when I was far too young to appreciate how it was both clunky and forward-thinking to consider that the buttons on your controller might be contextual, rather than a standardized symbol that you'd have to translate yourself.

I loved me some Bushido Blade as a youth! I just recently cleaned the laser lens on my PS2 so I could get Kingdom Hearts to run on it again, opening myself up to a much wider range old favorites. I might have to introduce my partner, just long enough to show her how ridiculous the first-person mode was. All the

The devs lost me at random loot generation. A game has to have some system in place for mitigating the negative effects of collecting tons of loot just to get by, or I just won't have the time or the patience for it. When random loot generation is employed, it usually means you have to add one hour of fiddling


I highly recommend completely upgrading your ship to take on the four legendary ships scattered around the far corners of the map. I'd say they're the best naval fights in the entire game, and it's a shame they didn't make more of them.

Folks argue that Lucio has the best ability in the game: the speed-boost. You can use it to chase down stragglers, quickly retreat from a losing fight or a dangerous ultimate, and hustle folks back to the fight after they've died. The trick is knowing when to retreat and when to rush the point, and you could spend

So often I was the one battling with you for second place. Having the Discord is both great and a bit awkward for those mid-fights because you want to coordinate to take down the leader, but it's so hard to resist blasting the person right in front of you! I found myself hitting the kart in front of me with the

Yeah, Mount Wario was especially exciting! I love point-to-point races, and that one's a great example.