Ol' QWERTY Bastard (Mother Pence's 2nd Cardigan)

My husband talks in his sleep, we’d be the first to go.

All true Canadians know there is only one proper use of the new 280 character limit on Twitter. | Tous les vrais Canadiens savent qu’il n’y a qu’une bonne utilisation de la nouvelle limite de 280 caractères sur Twitter.

As someone who is First Nations up here in Canada: fuck you, Trump. Fuck you and everything you stand for.

I feel the need to add this to every conversation about free speech. It applies.


Fuck Steve King, fuck the GOP, fuck everyone. You’re not “pro-life”, you’re “pro-forced birth”. You don’t care about the welfare of the mother during or after pregnancy, you don’t care about the fetus during pregnancy or the baby after pregnancy - you just want to make people give birth against their will.

I’m hoping Detroit-Windsor gets it. I’m not biased or anything and I definitely don’t live in one of those cities.

I don’t call people ‘cunt’ lightly, but she is 100% deserving of the name. One might go so far as to call her an ‘ignorant cunt’, even.

The thing is, Moochy ol’ boy, it’s not an Anne Frank costume. It’s actually a costume representing over 3.5 million people (mostly children) who were shipped to the countryside (or Canada, or Australia, or New Zealand, or any other number of safer ‘reception’ zones) in 1939 during the British government’s Operation

Hate speech should not be protected. We’ve got it right in Canada - it’s your turn now.

But the combined efforts of Philly, Pittsburgh, and maybe a few smaller (and growing) cities full of younger people like Lancaster might be able to do it.

From the time I was 16 until I was 26, I worked in a popular local steakhouse. I was FoH and BoH, and I experienced a staggering amount of sexual harassment. The stuff between employees (a manager grabbing my ass, a line cook trying to slide a large carrot between my legs, a dish washer taking it upon himself to feel

I’ve heard him say both.

A couple of years ago, I crossed the Ambassador Bridge from Canada into the US with my then-boyfriend (now husband) to bring him to the airport. We passed through just fine, I dropped him off and went home. About an hour after I got home, my then-boyfriend called me to say his flight was canceled due to the shitty

What is this ‘team’ he keeps referring to?

We can adopt all of you, sure.

Oh, Richard went places. Not college places, mind you...

One of my childhood friends tried to put his in one of those 90s gel toy things that sort of slipped through your grip (this was 20ish years ago) and it somehow got stuck and wouldn’t just roll off and I distinctly remember seeing him running from the back of his house to the garage where his dad was working, the

No please stay away.

Lancaster. My husband is from there and it’s pretty liberal. If not for 45, I would have moved there with him instead of having him move to Canada with me.