I'd eat a spider

Just, seriously. So much. The criminology class I’m TA-ing this semester, our first lecture solely consisted of making the students watch We Were Children (an IFB movie based on two people’s experiences of Residential Schools). Because colonisation, its history and its present, is so blatantly, evidently behind so


Not always, Indian is pretty common when you get to the praries. Follow the lead of the person you’re interacting with- use their band name if you know it (ex- I’m registered with Nuu-chah-nulth and the Métis nation of BC).

The woman had private classified emails from corrupt wall street pizza pedophiles who wanted war with Russia and Julian Assange via the Clinton Foundation while she pretended to be healthy or something and (this is most important) she wasn’t named Bernie.

I just reposted one of those comments in another thread, and fuckit I’m just going to repost the other. I have this, likely naive, hope that more people will read this and if I get lucky share some of this info so that the decent people might try to get things changes, or if I’m lucky maybe donate to the potable

Yikes, guys! I feel like I stoked some pretty harsh commentary here. As much as I love to shit on overconfident men, let’s take a tiny step back, perhaps, and not blow up the bus, which is—sure—definitely a siren call to irresponsible/hubristic American hikers, but also a pretty significant monument to our own

As a kid in way back in ancient history, thousands of black/Mexican/poor kids in my city lined up with our parents in a local park... to get vaccinated. The vaccinations were sponsored by.. the Black Panther party because many poor folk without health insurance were not vaccinated. We were in a local park. Thousands

Soup for breakfast! There's this pho joint here in town that opens at 7am and there will be, without fail, several tables full of obviously hungover Vietnamese men eating soup like its the only thing keeping them alive. Cause it might be.

A greasy cheese omelette and hash browns is an excellent hangover cure, though grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup make a strong showing in my hangover roster.

You should have to take at least as many classes to carry a firearm as you do to get a driver’s license. We as a society should be AT LEAST assured that you were given proper training.

That made me see red. When dealing with guns the rule is “Are you actively planning to shoot something/someone or in the process of cleaning the weapon? No? Then the gun is in a secured, locked box and ammunition is in a different secured locked box”. It really is not that hard. If you own a gun then it should be out

Fuck man couldn’t watch even 10 seconds of her singing. With her angelic voice and the sad but at the same time awesome moment I couldn’t fucking handle it. This is coming from a guy who last cried watching My Girl when I was 9.

When I went for my IUD I asked my insurance how much I’d end up paying out of pocket, and they said 20% (PPO, proper ACA-compliant contraceptive coverage grandfathered out) but when all was said and done I ended up paying 75% for reasons I still don’t understand, as the difference was well over what my deductible

I mean, I didn’t really have high hopes for the person who shows off their Jewish identity with a tattoo (forbidden by Jewish law).

I’m totally with you on this. I eat a healthy vegan diet (ie., not 50 bananas or whatever nonsense this chick is claiming to subsist on). I don’t hide my diet, but I don’t live to talk about it, either. These people need to put the selfie stick down and get a real life.

I have to agree with whoever said it first: the best proof of intelligent alien life is that they stay far away from us.

Ug, exactly. After my daughter was born, when I finally got back to working out, I LOVED the fact that I got some time to myself. No baby, no sticky skin on mine, no spit up, no worries. Just spending some time on myself. Maybe 45 minutes. Heaven. I have nothing against women who want to work out with their babies,

You’ve just summed up one of the things that really puts me off having children.

I heard that. Can you believe folks like this who are apparently so mature, accepting, and willing to consider the options?!! Rather than being judgmental and closed-minded (and psych. dwarves)?

I work with a local autism society non-profit so I do see the occasional anti-vaxxer. It’s frustrating to see families with an autistic child who received vaccines so they don’t vaccinate their younger siblings because they’re afraid. I mean, I can see their reasoning (albeit stupid) but I am highly against