
Yeah, pretty much all of this

God, that thing you so graciously replied to is such a troll and a total pile of turds. Good response though!

I know I’m late to this party, but I just watched the trailer and it looks like Benedict Cumberbatch’s character is really having the last laugh, being all “fuck you with those dumb questions” as Zoolander and Hansel make asses of theselves.

Yeah, I wondered if they also fired the guys she was fucking. I’m guessing no.

Wow, was he maybe abused by woman when was young? Sound like he’s waaaay traumatised!

Eh, I concede you have a point re: grammar, but it’s a very passive (in spirit) apology though no passive tense is used. He’s saying “sorry for what happened” rather than “I’m sorry for the decisions I made and for what I did.” No, that’s pretty damn passive. He’s assuming absolutely no responsibility, and making it

I never understood why people hate the passive voice so much. Never seemed right to me.

For the record, if you’re puzzled by the misogyny thing: wanting to vomit when someone not of your preferred gender hits on you is pretty indicative that you think that entire gender is gross. Just say no thank you.

God, I can’t figure out if I’m pissed at the misogyny in your comment, or feeling bad for you that this woman was so obnoxious.

Oh god, why would anyone chide people for the way they talk? I never, EVER understood that.

What kind of crazy-ass atheists have you been hanging out with?

Oh that’s awesome of him. At least there was that.

Well, this might be a sign that the magic wand deserves another chance.

Messy: yes

Thank you, voice of reason.

Thank you for reacting to that incident like a normal person. And for giving your buddy the eye roll.

Look at donating to wildcru, wildlife conservation society, smaller ngos that dont spend all their money to generate pr.

Fundraising and pr is their biggest contribution. They do very little actual conservation work. They’re not bad, but there are better groups out there.

That’s really funny and also really weird. Glad you survived that :)

So did he... do things? If so, what were they?