
Yep. We know by now how vicious he is. When Veronica Lario divorced Silvio Berlusconi he went to court and negotiated his alimony, but never spoke ill of her in public. I can’t imagine Trump doing the same. If she so much as tried to leave, he’d destroy her. She’s a trophy wife and she chose to play the game she’s

I disagree with all of this.

I forgot about how abuse victims have to be good people in order to gain my sympathies. Thanks for correcting me on my feelings, and for reminding me that issues of victimization and collaboration are black and white and that unless the woman is a “blank slate,” she kinda has it coming.

Everything in this article demonstrates only that Melania is a mouth piece for her husband. Every example revolves around Donald and her parroting his thoughts and defending his actions. I fail to see how any of this demonstrates agency. Hell, none of it demonstrates and iota of independence or an original thought. I

Free will is one of the things you start to lose in an abusive relationship without even realizing it. Do you know how long it was after I left my husband before I realized I could cut through the grass? I’d spent so much time being punished for leaving the sidewalks that I forgot it was a possible action I could take.

No one’s being “censored.” He can put it on the Internet or whatever if he wants. No one is obligated to show his horse shit. If it was actually being censored, there would be someone or some agency actively preventing it from seeing the light of day.

Then maybe you should shut up until you do. You are devoid of critical thought and if all you can do is spout platitudes that “every little brain fart deserves to be taken seriously” and “we should listen to everyone (no matter how little sense they make or how often they repeat things that have been disproved over

Let’s watch the movies that ISIS makes at an international film festival too! Their voices deserve to be heard, don’t they?

No, the “voices” that were “silenced” would belong the 10 infants who died from pertussis in California, my home state, in 2010, because they were too young to be vaccinated and herd immunity failed because people’s “personal beliefs” allowed the disease to slop onto the lives of others - oops, that’s “lives” as in

The answer to your questions are:

I’m taking a medical aesthetics course and my teacher (who has no actual science degree) is an anti-vaxxer (not to mention, she think that when you die, the body leaves a sweet smell to let your family members know they’re in a good place or some fucking shit.)

the First Amendment does not apply here. This is a private film festival. The first amendment is designed to prevent the government from punishing or preventing speech and expression. An organizer deciding to pull a film from a festival has zero first amendment implications.

Thanks a lot dude, my wife was away on business all last week, and I only did 2 loads of laundry and did a half assed job of cleaning the microwave after my daughter splattered pasta sauce all over it.

Ladies, when are we going to learn that we can avoid so much trouble if we just complimented men’s dicks more often? This one is, AGAIN, on us.

Eight years is insufficient. They should cut off his arms and legs, burn his junk off with a blowtorch, install a series of plastic tubes, and hang him in a cement closet from a meathook for the rest of his life.

Screw this guy. You know what I did while my wife was away on important business this weekend? I cleaned the kitchen within an inch of its life, did 5 loads of laundry and cooked the best goddamn BBQ chicken on this side of the Mississippi. Thats how you fill a power void, motherfucker.

Engineers without borders is one of the less fucked up aid organizations. Mainly because they go in, solve a problem that the community they’re visiting has requested be solved and they get the fuck out.

Okay, but acknowledge that a lot of “anti-traffickers” do work that directly harms people who sell sex, including survival sex workers and trafficking victims. It’s especially sad because those groups do need help, but they’re not getting the kind of help they actually need. Which is Melissa’s entire point.

It’s not simple, especially when a lot of anti-traficking advocates mix traficking with sex work so that the two are indistinguishable.