
Your first two centences encapsulate a very important feeling I had for all my life.

I love that she wanted it for Minecraft!

You don’t... believe? Why don’t you believe that? Do you not think that a 5 year old could have seen an Oprah episode? On what evidence are you basing this belief?

You seem to think that she’s saying she PLANNED FOR A SURGERY, and all that entails, from an adult’s perspective.

Yeah, you seem awfully sure of that for some reason.

Nah. Some kids just get strong ideas in their heads. You never been around a 5 year old? She probably wanted to go to the moon, too.

No one’s trying to attract you.


Oh god no. That’s unimaginably wrong. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Yeah, but that’s neither here not there. Even if he was an exemplary dad, she still can’t send the kids to a detention center for not wanting to visit him.


He sounds like a dolt. And I’m not sorry.

sounds like you handled that right.

Except people who don’t like to be interrupted every minute. I like having thoughts in my head, and I don’t like constantly paying attention to other people and switching from one thing to another every minute. So fucking sue me.

Ugh, dude, what you’re doing is a good old fashioned BREAKUP. It’s not ghosting. You’re doing it right.

You know, I actually support that. He knew why, there was no need for you to get all huffy and explain. Normally I’m anti-ghosting, but this is clearly the appropriate situation.

This is literally what this entire article was about. Your entire lololololol response was... misapplied. The entire reason we’re even talking about it is because it happens with people who actually should have done more.

Your comments do not have stars. Have you thought about why that might be?

To answer your obviously rhetorical question: probably Ayn Rand.

What’s the Pinkham-approved response to having a truly shitty server?