
It’s maddening that half the country lives in the 20th/21st century, and the other half lives in the 11th.

Men like this need to stop playing the lovable doofus and the women who coparent with them need to stop “rescuing” them. This is not to say that the woman are at fault for the men’s behavior— but they need to stop rewarding this shitty attitude by swooping in to change the diaper and make dinner and comfort the crying

Yeah, like even if one parent generally takes more responsibility for childcare duties than the other and is happy with that, the other parent should at least be somewhat competent at taking care of the kids. What if the main caretaker gets sick or has a family emergency in another state or also works full time and

And that’s why partner selection is so incredibly important. There is absolutely nothing about Russell Brand to suggest he’d be a responsible/attentive parent.I don't believe his wife to be a dummy; she knew that going in.  Perhaps she thought marriage and parenthood would magically change his personality, but I

From the interview, it seems to look like she won’t leave the kids with him because he’s a useless stump. People do agree to manage their lives in certain ways (I hate laundry, my boyfriend hates making travel plans) but I can’t imagine any woman, or any human, would choose to be tethered to their homebase/children

It’s so common. It took my husband like 10 years and repeated yelling by me to get him to understand that his “compliments” made me want to throw acid on him. I’m not “better” at being a parent, cooking, cleaning or whatever. I’m just doing it because he’s being a garbage human.

On one hand, yes!! And fathers, you’re not babysitting when it’s your own fucking kid!!

Men convincing women that they are just too “inept” to care for the children they helped bring into the world is one of the oldest and most successful long-cons ever invented.

Oooooh, I hate when people brag about sucking at something! It’s not charming and cute!!!! Saying “teehee, I can’t even make tea!” (or whatever. Some common, basic skill) is NOT endearing, it’s just pathetic.

Ugh.  I so feel this article right now.  Yesterday, I braced the freezing cold to come into work to try to finish a project due to my team yesterday.  In the days prior me and my husband, who is at home with a broken foot, discussed me taking our daughter into daycare.  I decided against it for several reasons: (1)

This reminds me of a story I read somewhere (reddit, I think?) about a woman whose husband pretended to be completely incompetent at making deviled eggs every time she tried to teach him, because he “liked hers better” and didn’t want to admit he actually knew how to make them. Like, okay, you can like hers better,

Agree on the larger point, but, um, she married fucking Russell Brand - he defines “man-child” and having a different expectation is silly.

This is literally why I’m never having children. I love and trust my partner, but he’s got a ton of subconscious Patriarchal Bullshit and I’m sure this learned helplessness nonsense would kick in eleven seconds after childbirth. And I’m enough of a control freak that I’d allow it, at least up until the point where I

Hey Russ: Fucking learn to be better at it you pusillanimous shitstain. Your wife wasn’t born knowing how to run a household. She fucking learned. Study and learn and get the fuck better.

My husband’s insidious version of this is to come staggering out of the bedroom on a Sunday late morning and beaming at me as I am up to my elbows in dishes and mooning “Thank you sooooo much for letting me sleep in!” To which I hiss, “I did not let you do shit, motherfucker.”

Oof, I don’t even plan on having kids and this makes me mad. Not even just at Russell Brand in particular, but at the many, many well-meaning...sort of...dads who adhere to this line of thinking.

I can’t imagine having a baby, being sleep deprived covered in puke in shit, then watch my husband joke about failing at trying to keep our child alive.

Somewhere out there, Katy Perry breathes a sigh of relief.

Thats fucked up. Russell Brand hasn’t even had a job in like 5 years. When my dad lost his job and my mom went to work, guess what he did? he stepped the fuck up. He became Mr.Mom, its like that old saying “you don’t work you don’t eat” he knew he wasn’t going to provide monetarily so he cooked the meals, sewed the

Or, better yet, can’t be arsed. I’m a Yank and I love that phrase and use it whenever I can.