
In a nut shell?

I am a word nerd. I frequently get hung up on technically correct v. “accurate enough”.

So many of her songs could fit this mold tbh. Even You Oughta Know... ‘an older version of me’. Yuck. 

The Post has to point out the actual age of consent to make it clear she is not accusing someone of a legal crime, just a moral one.

I find it odd that people say a lengthy sentence is ‘effectively a life sentence’ because the perpetrator will probably die behind bars.

Hopefully one day soon, he may have a roommate whose skin colour blends nicely with the orange of his prison jumpsuit. People like them are so obsessed with their wealth and urges, that to deny them access will always be the greatest punishment.

I thought I was gonna have a rough mental health day (for various and sundry reasons), but this actually helps.  

I’d just really like to see him actually going into a jail and not feel like I’m waiting for the article that’s going to tell me “as he awaits his appeal he’s chillin’ in a suite at a five-star hotel sippin’ scotch, chewin’ steaks and slapping hotel staff posteriors, having learned nothing beyond how angry he can be

It seems his whole ‘sickness’ appearance is a classic mafia move. At least during the Italian mafia reign in RI in the 70's-90's, several of the bosses who were on trial would fake heart attacks or exaggerate other conditions to post-pone conviction, gain sympathy, etc.

“This is your first conviction. This is not your first offense.”

I don’t think anybody was fool enough to think the walker was anything but an act.
And since shit’s done for him, he’s probably not going to keep it up, no point anymore ^^

He also has to face charges in LA.  So yeah, he ain’t seeing the outside ever again.

Finally, some good news to make one smile. Don’t drop the soap, you won’t be able to pick it up with that walker. 

Good. He should never set foot outside of a prison ever again. May all of his remaining days be a living hell.

He still has another trial coming, in LA

Of behalf of my Grandmothers, Mother, Sisters and all females far and wide:

Loooool fuck you, you rapey fuck.

His sentence runs consecutively not concurrently...he ain’t never gettin’ out. On a separate note, I noticed when he was walking into court, he’d be hunched over using a walker. Once he got to the stairs, he would stand up straight and was a able to carry the walker up the stairs.

Can we get the other candidates on the debate stage to agree to always use the term “another Republican trying to buy an election" whenever they refer to Bloomberg?

Earlier this month, a video circulated showing Bloomberg once again describing transgender people as “some man wearing a dress,” this time in 2016.