
This is what her song “Hands Clean” is about. She’s been talking about it; people just haven’t listened.

Not just no, but HELL no.

Apparently Harvey Weinstein’s lawyers complained that he’ll die in prison if sentenced to more than five years. The consensus on the various Twitter threads was, So?

I was thinking of the hysterical playacting of girls who claimed they were victims of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials.

Better to fart and bear the same than to hold it in and bear the pain.

They also bitched about Kmart’s “Ship my drawers” commercials, to which Kmart responded with “Big gas savings” commercials.

The next time the (far fewer than) One Million Moms starts whining, companies need to tell them to shut the hell up. The backlash from acceding to their demands is far worse than what will happen if people tell them to get bent.

Imagine if Wilson had lived in the era of social media. There’s no way they could have covered up his illness.

Our nightmare won’t really end unless Pence and the whole band of crooks are also removed from office, by legal means, of course.

It’s hard work to walk 6-7 km in (location dependent) hilly terrain, carrying or dragging a semi-heavy bag and hitting the strokes.

Wouldn’t it be terrible if they discovered that Epstein is not a donor match for Trump?

She later said she regrets not turning around and snapping at him to back off.

I wish there was a way to implant unwanted pregnancies into the bodies of forced birthers.

No, Melania and Donald were not estranged, they were tender lovers, who playfully teased each other

“Stick to sports.” Yeah, sports has been political since before I was born, and I’m an early GenXer.

He was fucking golfing during the raid and staged a photo in the situation room two hours later. Then he reveled in the death of said terrorist. And while I’m not going to shed tears over the death of a terrorist, I’m also not going to gloat about him “dying like a dog” either. (And how much does Trump hate dogs that

And if it’s true that Barron has ASD, perhaps Melania worried that the environment would adversely affect her spawn, so she didn’t bring him. 

And when Curt Schilling spews his venom, nobody tells him to stick to sports. Did people tell Tim Tebow to stick to sports when he would get all Jesusy during games and even made an anti-choice commercial for a evangelical hate group? Was Tim Thomas told to stick to sports when he declined to visit the White House

Back before I was veg, i admittedly loved Charleston Chew and Necco wafers.

Does anyone believe that Trump ever played a sport? This is a guy who thinks that working out drains your energy. This is a guy who slapped one of his sons for having the temerity to put on a baseball shirt (instead of a suit and tie) to go to a baseball game.