
If you don’t give Obama credit for getting bin Laden, you can’t give Trump credit for getting Baghdadhi. At least Obama was in the situation room when the bin Laden raid happened. Trump was golfing and staged a photo two hours later.

Russia, Turkey, and North Korea don’t respect him; he’s just a useful idiot and quisling for them. Their leaders know that they can con him into giving them what they want if they make nice to him.

If he really does have ASD, perhaps Melania was concerned about how he would deal with the loud noises and other potential sensory triggers that happen at almost any sporting event. I know Donnie doesn’t give a shit about his son and is probably just as happy he’s not there. 

Photos of her in the 1990s when she was illegally working in the U.S. as a model are more attractive.

What has he done for the U.S.? We’re going to be paying the tariffs because of his China temper tantrum. Farmers are being hurt because of the whole trade war. Many industries he claimed he could bring back aren’t coming back.

And if we ever go to the Smithsonian museums on the Mall, we get to see those shitty carts with people selling MAGA crap because they know the tourists will buy this schlock when they visit a city that despises the individual they worship.

Chances are the money train will run out, especially if he’s stripped of his assets. She might have to get an actual job, and who’d want to hire her? Can she do anything besides sit still and look...well, not pretty, but plastic.

She never has deserved an ounce of sympathy since she repeated her husband’s vile Birther lies and dismissed his “grab ‘em by the pussy” crap as “boys’ talk,” which I assume is her way of saying “boys will be boys.” And she’s not loyal; she sticks around because if she leaves him, she’ll have to get an actual job

He’s had plenty of insults to his ego--from the press he so disdains--and still kept up with his Biff Tannen cosplay. He’ll have to be dragged from the White House in handcuffs before he leaves.

Even if someone tried to tell him it wasn’t a good idea because voters inside the Beltway hate his guts. do you think he’d listen?

He’s done fuck all. He’s the kind of guy who sets a fire, puts it out, and then wants credit for putting out the fire.

I cannot think of a single reason not to hope the World Series ends Saturday with the Nationals victorious. Not one. Even Jose Andres tweeted that he hopes his presence isn’t required for a potential game 5.

Well, if we had a decent human being as president, sure. Hell, if we had a human being at all as president instead of the creature we now have.

I suspect if Trump tried to throw a ceremonial first pitch, it would make Alex Ovechkin’s drunken pitch two days after the Caps won the Stanley Cup look like the second coming of Max Scherzer.

As a DC resident, I sort of follow the Nats. Haven’t heard of any raging assholes since Papelbon and Harper left the team.

Would I think he looked like a douchebro if I didn’t know he was a douchebro?

Caps also have Mites on Ice in the first intermission, when this kid played. He was just adorable in his interview.

Can confirm. When my cat is making the “I’m about to gack” sounds, I try to shove a paper towel or something under her, and she runs away.

I guess karma bit the Braves but good. Maybe teams with Indian names should stop doing the tomahawk chant, huh? It probably would be better if teams didn’t have Indian names, but I don’t know if that’s ever going to happen.

I couldn’t care less. He can cry all the way to the bank.