
Wait. Didn’t he campaign and endlessly repeat how he would be “strong on the military?” How would preventing people to willingly serve in the military be considered strong?

This is a test balloon. They have more Draconian edicts on Trump’s desk.

I had that same thought: he’ll end up at a conservative, religious college...and that he will be anathema and shunned by some for the rest of his life, but be able to cocoon himself in racist/evangelical circles.

Boys will be boys.

Hey, voting through purity is more honorable than, you know, causing people to be socially maligned by the president...or something.

Daily reminder to shame Stein/Trump/non-voters.

But I was told voting for Stein or abstaining because of how boring Clinton was and losing SCOTUS wouldn’t be a problem...

I’m sure there will be some hyper-conservative backwoods Catholic college that will still offer him a scholarship. Maybe Liberty University too, if he keeps the Catholic on the downlow.

What pisses me off is that, YES, we can all agree that maybe the Black Hebrew Israelites were being douchebags. But that doesn’t excuse what these Covington Catholic shitfaces did. They are still *SHOCKER INCOMING* racist fucksticks who were taught this behavior by adults. Nothing in the longer videos changes that.

I saw a headline in The Daily Fail that mentioned kids from the same high school dressing up in black face and taunting black players at sporting events. How will they spin that, I wonder.

They were there specifically to go to a pro-life rally while wearing MAGA gear. What makes you think the teachers/chaperones found anything wrong with their behavior?

Keep in mind these are the exact same people who won’t shut up about snowflake parents, the “culture of victimhood,” and absent black fathers being source of all problems in this country.

I very much cannot wrap my head around why the chaperones/adults would have allowed for dozens of the students (children) they were in charge of do this. I went on a trip to DC (a normal one, not this BS) back in the 2000's and there is no way our teachers and chaperones would have let us do any of the following:

“Pretty White Victim Machine” by Nine Millimeter Penises

The “sorry-not-sorry” press release quotes him as saying he wanted to “diffuse the situation.”

FYI: Hershey and Lancaster are not the same thing. Lancaster is a still a distant but close enough bedroom community of the Philly/Wilmington metro area, and businesses there are not only used to NY/Philly big city oddness that they don’t blink an eye at it anymore, especially since their livelihood depends on you

Oh goody, a redemption arc for the unrepentant teen.

Time to crank up the cry-baby victim machine.

Entitlement culture runs deep within Republicans.