
The no-call nature of this incident is what makes it so difficult to address in many ways. Defensive pass interference calls can easily be one of the biggest penalties and momentum swingers in a game, and thus Payton and Belichick have for years pushed for them, and some other penalties, to be reviewable. However if

I made my best friend run after her to invite her to meet us at our next spot for drinks.

Not to be a total curmudgeon, but public proposals are a tradition that really should die. Also, proposals for marriage in general are arcane and infantile. If you’ve been in a relationship long enough to want to solidify it in matrimony, you ought to really have had several conversations about the idea of marriage

Ten year fine-dining server vet here. I’ve seen a few proposals go sideways, and it was aaaawwwwkkkkkkwaaarrrrddd for everyone involved. Nothing is worse than being out with your partner/friends, enjoying a nice meal, and the couple two tables over is a weepy, emotional mess. I agree with some of the other responses:

Manic’s restaurant proposal tips:

“What should I consider before proposing in a restaurant?”

Going to disagree. Do it at home or when you’re alone instead of being an attention whore.

Holy shit...Proposing on Valentine’s Day has got to be the worst thing ever. And in a restaurant! How original. So, if your marriage sticks (it probably won’t) you’ll be “that couple” the rest of your lives. I’m glad I’ll never meet you.

It's good to never forget the little things that will crush his spirit.

I went the traditional route and proposed while drunk and in bed.

If you have ANY doubt at all, even a single grain of salt doubt, DO NOT DO THIS IN PUBLIC. You need to be rock-solid sure that you’re going to get a “yes” or it is going to be weird and awkward for EVERYONE.

You had better be damned sure that a public proposal is proposal of your woman’s dreams.

Do it before sitting down to eat.  My now fiance straight up told me she did not want to be proposed to in the middle of restaurant so I did it on the balcony of the fancy restaurant we went to where we were alone, then went right into our fancy dinner with free champagne and dessert.

Personal anecdote: I proposed to my then-live-in-girlfriend in our living room by saying, “Hey, honey, I want your opinion on this website I made.” It was a corny multiple-choice question on whether she would marry me, and the final selection was, “Sure, why not?” It was a smash hit.

Don’t do this. Make a nice dessert at home (or buy one ahead of time), go to dinner, go home for dessert/ a favorite beverage of hers, and do it there. Food is still part of it and you’re spared the awkwardness of a public proposal, internet videos, etc. You also don’t have to rush anywhere for either sex or the

Ask The Salty Waitress: What should I consider before proposing in a restaurant?

Buy the ring, go out for lunch, take a nice walk towards city hall, propose, get married that afternoon, save money for house/car/future college tuition.

“We’ve had people that have suddenly needed the check because the proposal didn’t go well.”

Don’t propose in public. Do it in your home so you can either:

Good god. I still find it weird people WANT to get married but then to completely make an ass of yourself doing it in public?