
The backlash against Mother was strong enough that Mike Pence released a statement, calling it “offensive:”

I don’t want him to have a safe place. I want all places in the world to make Mike Pence uncomfortable and unsafe. I want him to not fit in anywhere.

But they were not being educated for education’s sake. They were being “educated” on religious doctrine and “morals”, which were dictated by the religion.

If anyone is violating someone’s First Amendment rights, it’s him.

The right want you to think that. Hate gets asses in pews in numbers that love can't. It's all marketing. Though the average Christian identifying person is not filled with hate, they are just not as loud.

The whole point is that their brand of Christianity is STEEPED IN HATE SO IS THEREFORE UNCHRISTIAN!

Hey VP Shithead - same amendment. Freedom of speech.

As usual, not answering her claims but going off mentioning unrelated stuff calling himself Christian, which bullshit of the highest order.

Maybe if Christian education wasn’t so fucked up, mate.

“Anna grew up with healthy attitudes towards sex” Funny thing is we don’t actually know that. Their statistics, as written, even assuming they aren’t total BS, absolutely include the “properly” reared good Christian girls. So the 19% who end up cheating on their husbands could totally be the ones with the most

Sarah, just go ahead and legally change your name to Carrie Bradshaw since you’re so desperate to keep forcing her on us.

I have a theory that Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania as a whole are intentionally terrifying, to scare coastal elites to stay on the coast where they belong.

I am in love with that skirt. Not the gold shirt thing (ugh) or the heels (cute, but doesn’t strike me all that deeply) but the skirt... so much lust.

Aren’t conservative values supposed to include 1) respecting your elders and 2) respecting the military? 

But yeah, anti-choicers, tell me some more about how repealing Roe won’t take us back to a time when WOC won’t be routinely sterilized without consent.  

So much to criticize and fume over here. The irony of them chanting “build that wall” to a Native American. Also, these douchebags have the makings of future date rapists. 

“When the Catholic Schools send us their people, they’re not sending their best, and their brightest...”

We had the Spring of Life Rally in Buffalo, back during the start of that shit. They got outside Children’s Hospital and harassed every pregnant woman going in,since from their view anyone going in was to have an abortion. (Never mind the OB/GYN and maternity check clinics. I always wondered how these Right-To-Lifers

It’s really fun. And since McFarland actually got a jail sentence and all his victims seemed like douchebags anyhow, I didn’t even have to feel bad for anybody. Definitely worth the watch.

I don’t know why Chris [Smith] is quoting him that way. We both made a film about the same person. We know the person is a compulsive liar.”