
He tweeted that he served them Hamberders. That HE paid for. Because he doesn’t own a hotel a couple blocks away that has a fully staffed restaurant/kitchen that could have brought food in.

Anyone who wants to believe in a religion/cult/fairy tale is and should be free to do so.

I’m going to be a major edgelord right now but I just have to say that Religious Freedom” is an amazing oxymoron. It’s like, “Here, follow all these arbitrary rules about shrimp and menstruation until you hate yourself enough that you feel like you appreciate life more.”

They already have religious freedom. They have the freedom to not have an abortion. What they don’t have, is the freedom to force their religious beliefs onto others.

I thought the ad was great - and the MRA/right-wing reaction was proof that it was a necessary message, since literally showing men fathering, standing up to bullies, and preventing sexual harassment is apparently...bad?

Great article. I’m pretty surprised by how progressive Gillette is being with that clip.

I see the drive to further decrease womens’ autonomy by expanding the list of people who have a say in her sexual and reproductive health continues on shamefully.

Normally, it has to be planned well in advance to be shoehorned into the extremely busy schedule of the president.

He’s hustling because he needs every kind of “normal” photo op and calendar event he can get his mitts on. That, and (unlike other presidents) there’s plenty of room in his schedule.

Probably cause of the shutdown. And the fact that the President never has a busy schedule anyways

Give the guy a break. Things have gotten real tight now that he can’t just use his charity as a front.

I love that he has the posture of a chicken (breast and ass out).

Nothing but the best for America’s Large Adult Son.

It’s indoors and he’s still wearing his I-don’t-look-fat-in-this-coat coat

You look fat in the coat, Don

Such a proud boy.

Burger King is a Canadian based company (they merged with Tim Hortons a few years ago and did some legal wiggling so they can avoid paying US taxes.) Shameful. You’d think Trump would know that and could find a Russian company to do the catering.

Seriously, you put President Camacho in this and it makes just as much sense.

Drumroll please!

What an amazing self own it is that Cheetolini’s idea of catering is sending out some aides on a Mickey D’s run because he’s too cheap for a real catering company.