
a good way to avoid a potential date rape is to stay reasonably sober

Right?! Like, yeah, drinking too much sometimes does have consequences, but we should be able to hold people to standards. Like, yeah, it can be easier to rape someone if they are very drunk, but we should hold the expectation that it is bad to take advantage of people when they are not fully aware of their

To stay with your analogy, the person who took the man’s wallet already decided they were going to rob someone should the opportunity present itself. Predators follow the same logic. All these “precautions” just ensure that YOU don’t get victimized. It doesn’t solve the problem that someone has already made their mind

Just a reminder than any person of any gender, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. can be shitty. Although, white guys are the most likely offenders.

Internalized misogyny is a contagious, chronic condition.

I continue to not understand why conservative women expend so much goddamned energy trying to invent excuses for men who commit rape, nor why they appear constitutionally unable to avoid throwing shade on the victims every time the subject of rape comes up.

The irony of a woman of Indian descent holding women responsible for being raped. How do you justify what happens to the modestly dressed, perfectly sober women who are raped and murdered Ms Rao?

What about the women that are sober but gets raped anyway?

if she drinks to the point where she can no longer choose, well, getting to that point was part of her choice

That’s right, Trump’s pick for Kavanaugh’s replacement, a man who was accused of attempted rape, is someone who once blamed women who drink for not doing their due diligence to “avoid a potential date rape.”

I’m imagining him dipping a KFC drumstick in gravy, then sticking that concoction into a bowl of rice and eating it all together. 

Donald Trump’s mouth is truly astonishing -- he stuffs it with Big Macs and Whoppers come out. 

Yeah really, the only surprise here is that he didn’t manage to work in one of those two and then say it’s because they love fried chicken so much in the South.

A huffy, unread, bloviating, oligarchic narcissist.

Because if there’s anything that college athletes at the top of their game (literally) desire to put in their bodies, it’s garbage calories.

What.  A.  Buffoon.  Not a whiff of class, tact, subtlety, or decency.  An oafish lout.

Trump apparently eats so much fast food because he’s afraid of being poisoned.  I guess gastroenteritis doesn't qualify.

He really is the worst embodiment of the American stereotype. A loud, fat, fast food guzzling, businessman dickhead.

1. It’s required of most players in the league now, and 2. Gudbranson may not be the player people envisioned on draft night but he is not primarily an enforcer. 

Yes, nice pugilism. Good punches. Still it feels totally hollow within the larger context that is supposed to give it any meaning.