
Why doesn’t Nancy Pelosi just pass the exact same bill to reopen the government that she passed on day one? This time, just say it has the wall funding in it. “Yes, it’s definitely in there. I forget where, but we totally put it in. The page number had a 6 in it, maybe 206? Something around there. You’ll find it.

Remember how Trump repeatedly said Mexico was going to pay for his border wall? He now claims he never said that, which, okay.

Are we supposed to believe that Donald Trump used the word intransigence in a sentence?

You see this is a common misconception about Kushner. While he is most certainly inhuman, he is not nosferatu, das wampyr. Were he, he’d be possessed of knowledge gathered over many lifetimes, numerous supernatural and preternatural powers, including command over beasts of the night; and we all know Kushner couldn’t

whenever I hear that figure I always wonder WHO THE FUCK HAS THAT MUCH DISPOSABLE INCOME? My husband and I work full time and earn decent salaries but we live in a very expensive area and have student loans.

I was just telling my husband about the bankruptcy suggestion. That really pisses me off. You shouldn’t have to go through bankruptcy because of some bafoon with many nice homes, that I’m sure have plenty of food available at all times plus someone to cook it.

“The Opposition Party & the Dems know we must have Strong Border Security, but don’t want to give “Trump” another one of many wins!”

I’m all for trump putting a wheel on our southern border

Holy fuck.

It’s not like many migrants from Mexico and Central and South America have the requisite knowledge and experience to operate simple construction tools.

Maybe he got one of those word-of-the-day calendars for Christmas?

The one thing of which we all can be certain is that if there were any real danger at the border, his fat orange ass wouldn’t be anywhere near it. 

I’ve seen a couple postings about banks accepting applications for low interest* loans to help out furloughed employees. I get remarkably frustrated and sad at this. Yeah, going further into debt when you are unemployed is a great idea. Also, if the government paid folks a living wage wouldn’t they have the recommended

My biggest takeaway from this post is that Jared can stand in direct sunlight and NOT burst into flames. 

He waved “bye bye?”  Dude, really?

Of course he’s stupid, look at that photo what is that. The dipshit looks like a toddler showing off their big boy muscles.

“This is, unfortunately, not the first time that people or my political opponents have tried to use my religion against me to distract the voters,” Shafi, who declined to be interviewed by The Texas Tribune before Thursday’s vote, told The Washington Post.”

1. You still read his tweets? I thought we all agreed to skim past them?

Shahid Shafi because he’s... Muslim. This is clearly fucked and I feel bad for Shafi but maybe it’s time to leave the Republican Party my man!!!