
Most teams would be glad to go to the playoff finals in their inaugural season and the playoffs again (even if they lose in the first round) their second. Sheesh.

Mrazek’s own teammate made more contact with him (spinning him in the goal crease like a top) than Ovechkin did.

A few years ago, the Monsters (then called the Lake Erie Monsters) swept the Hershey Bears in the Calder Cup finals. They were a really good team. So it’s not surprising that Columbus is getting pretty good right about now.

It was one hit while Svechnikov was on the way down, and the reason Ovi grabbed his jersey was to lessen his impact with the ice. Nobody is happy the guy got hurt, but there’s a difference between two guys agreeing to a fight (even though Ovi tried to dissuade him) and one player hitting another from behind. Come on.

How could the NHL suspend me without looking extremely hypocritical?

Cross-checking is when one player hits an opponent with his stick the way Foegele did to Oshie. No part of the stick is on the ice, and he’s using both hands to hit him. Boarding is hitting a player in such a way that he collides with the boards violently. If you see an opponent’s numbers—and if Foegele didn’t see

I don’t know. When people to expect you to be shitty because of bad ownership and bad management, it’s hardly embarrassing when you look like crap and have a really bad season. But when you have the most points in the league and had that top seed sewn up almost a month before the season ends, and you’re expected to do

Thursday night.

I fully expected Ottawa to finish at or near the bottom of the league. Nobody but a precog could have seen Tampa getting swept in the first round.

I hope the thrashing in game three and the utter dominance of CBJ over Tampa both serve as a wake-up call to the Caps get their heads out of their butts and play their game. The Caps have not looked very good in any of their games this postseason, and Carolina is capitalizing on that.

We Caps fans used to sing this song until last year, but they had trouble getting out of the second round.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a team get three ENGs in one game.

In a post-game interview, he gave the stock “you don’t want to see a guy get hurt” response you expect from any player after a fight ends badly.

The kid challenged Ovechkin to a fight. Ovechkin, hoping to spark his team, said, let’s go. (Sadly, the team that got sparked was not the Washington Capitals.)

There’s a reason we call them Cardiac Caps.

He should just stay there. 

Yes, he paid his criminal debt to society (or at least, the debt the prosecution was willing to accept on society’s behalf), and he has the right to earn a living, but that does not mean he has the right to play for a team in the NHL.

Most vegans stop eating meat for ethical reasons but still want the flavors and textures of familiar foods. I didn’t go vegan for my health. And I still do eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but I like the analogues. 

So you’re one of those anti-veg folks who feels maybe a bit threatened that folks—vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians—might want a meatless meal at their local bar, pub, restaurant? Unless a restaurant makes their cow burgers on site, it probably also has chemicals, preservatives, stabilizers, etc., to keep it from