
And BB&T Center is a dump. I went there once earlier this month when the Caps were in town; and the bag policy, the standard def scoreboard,and the overall shabbiness of the place makes me disinclined to go back.

They get a lot of people coming over the border from Ontario. It’s why they have the anthem singer perform “O Canada” no matter who the Sabres’ opponent is.

I fully disagree with you. When you’ve had developing animosity (which in some cases can morph into hatred with the heat of a thousand suns) over four to seven games, to see the guys shake it off and wish each other the best in the offseason/next series, it’s a beautiful moment. It reminds us that it’s just a game,

If the residents of South Florida don’t, why should I? (We were at BB&T a week ago; it’s a fucking dump.)

Edmonton — biggest tire fire in the NHL.

Whenever the Jackets finally win their first-ever playoff series, their opponents are going to be really unhappy.

What do I fail to understand? 

The way bits of animal flesh called burgers, sausages, tenders, nuggets, etc., are incredibly overengineered edible food-like products?

But that would mean watching early round games at ridiculously late hours if you’re on the East Coast and end up playing a team on the West Coast. I’d be find if it was 1-8 for each conference, though.

Or the commercials for the festivals of cruelty that are the races of the Triple Crown.

The Caps will win the Stanley Cup against the Seattle Whatevers, and a salty Keith Olbermann can bitch about them again beating an expansion team.

I never knew either, but then I rarely buy from one of the vendors walking the stands for a variety of reasons. I only go to a few baseball games a year, but I get there early enough to grab a bite to eat from the concession stands and bring some of our own food. And when I go to Caps games (which I do very regularly),

I guess at Nats Park you’re still allowed to bring in coolers with snacks and water.

Given how fucking long a baseball game can last, how about just charging a flat rate for the locker?

I have to wonder how many people have been caught with weapons or food (for venues that disallow outside food/drink) in their bags. I imagine that’s what these bag searches are supposed to get. It’s still security theatre.

The military pays for all these “salute the troops” things at Caps games and probably other sporting events.

Metro in, Uber back out is pretty much the best bet for night games that run long.

I bet just about every goalie in the league has had a goal bounce in off his body in a most unfortunate way. It doesn’t happen every night, but it does happen.

Pheonix Copley (who was on the roster but not dressed during the playoffs).

Neither Grubauer nor Beagle was there because they couldn’t make it. And although they don’t mention him, I don’t think Chiasson was there either.