
Thank FSM for the grid.

“Take Me To Church” was playing on the radio A LOT in about February 2015. Around that time my ex-husband was on the verge of moving out (good riddance), and I had gotten myself a “friend-plus” who lived on the other side of the city. Every time that I drove over to his place to hookup, that song would come on the

I have Canadian healthcare (YAY) but still paid about $200 out of pocket for my IUD last year.

That’s some pretty shiny silver lining you’ve got there! :)

Ooh, I made a list too!

Good for your friend. As someone who also recently stopped white-knighting every sad puppy who walked into her life, let me say that it is so much easier to be in a healthy relationship when you are with a healthy individual. It’s not my job (or the job of any other person) to patch up and prop up broken individuals

Whatever happened to the good old days when lazy Christians would just blame their own failings on the Devil?

Here is one of the same bear, giving a hug to my very handsome better half in the Costco. :)

I asked about this when I got my mirena too. They were reticent because I’m 30, and apparently “too young” to know what’s best for myself.

It’s so wonderful when it’s there doing it’s job. But holy crap are IUD’s ever a fucking painful sonofabitch when they’re being put in.

Ditto here. So grateful that literally nobody cares what a librarian wears.

Yes it would suck majorly... suck them right to the bottom, that is.

Good questions. My sister has vitiligo, and as such she wears long sleeves, long pants, and a head-covering when she does to the beach. Her hands are the only things that stick out, and they are beet red by the end of the day, even with SPF 100.

I too am green-grayish undertone (keep all pastels away from me), but I’m afraid I don’t have any recommendations because I just don’t wear make-up. Foundation is too tricky, mascara dries out my already dry eyes, it’s just too much work. I have shiny lip-stuff but that’s about it.

“The Hell of It” by Paul Williams, from the Phantom of the Paradise Soundtrack....

Ooh, financial incentives! I have not been offered real estate or cash (yet) for a successfully delivered baby, but would not be surprised if it happened.

I’m sorry for your losses. I hope you make it too!

Responding on behalf of all Canadians, you guys do know that we cheer for everybody who isn’t America, right?

My mother, on the cusp of turning 60, is about two drinks away from BEGGING me to have children. She has offered to basically nanny any future children I might have, and swears that she will do grandma-daycare every single day for absolutely free if only I would PLEASE JUST HAVE SOME BABIES.

Oh all the excitement! Hopefully, as a sad childfree person, I won’t have spent all my money on hookers and blow and will have enough left to pay for a nurse to powder my bum. :D