
Lol. Maybe this is just me but during DARE when they talked about the effects on the drugs I thought dang that sounds awesome. And then I became a drug addict. Thanks, DARE.

Side note: ‘Federal G’ is my new gangster rap name.

Orion will snuggle with you, too. Little Grapes will move.

I’m with you on all of it — except I don’t need the tampons. Really there is so little blood, now (for me). I sometimes pat my ovary area and say: thanks for trying. If there were a participation trophy.....

You sound delicious.

Hi, my name is Blusteri Gruyere.

Can Pence, Ryan, and turtle man all be in this helicopter as well?

Personally, I’d rather his helicopter go down in the water, and for him to have a heart attack and drown while the pilots and crew escape basically unscathed.

I bet he’s one of those people who use quotation marks for emphasis.

I don’t mean to be a stickler, but he didn’t witness the devastation, didn’t speak with any of the displaced residents or rescue staff. Aside from that, great Tweet! What he did was the equivalent of spending an hour layover in Heathrow and then gushing about your vacation in London.

I laughed at the dancers’ “I <3 TS” shirts. I do think Taylor reads all the comments.

thank god someone is monitoring the doings.

My Gus with fren. 💙

Orion was quite annoyed when he felt my picture taking was preventing him from continuing to chew his toy.

It was our yellow Lab’s 10th birthday last Saturday, so we did her favorite things: swimming and eating. Our other dog is the crazed chocolate one and the gray pibble is my grandog : D

100% chance there’s a haunted board game in there.

Post your adorable pets being adorable.

In the past few weeks we’ve said goodbye to the Mooch, Spicey, Reince and as of today, Steve Bannon.

Their hit song, “WTF R U Looking At, Asshole?” hit 1032 on Billboard.

Cheap Pussy Jewelry sound like the name of a punk band.