
I was at a charity committee meeting for a local domestic violence shelter when the news came in. We had a lot of fun quoting our favorite lines of hers from the trial!

I also didn’t care for her one way or another, to me she seems really calculating in her self-promotion. This however, has revealed a maturity I would have seriously doubted a month ago. I still won’t be listening to her music, but I’ll scowl less at her People magazine covers in the grocery aisle.

Argh, you’re right. Thankfully there was still time to edit my post!

I’m not going to post his picture, but my infant old son is what makes me happy. He’s what gets me through all this shit. Having a kid is stressful and life altering and I don’t sleep anymore and I don’t think I have any shirts without drool stains on the shoulder and I get free time in like occasional half hour

As a guy, even I can confirm my inner vagina did just that.

Anybody else just feel their vagina slam shut?

I didn’t expect anything less from Caitlyn Jenner. She’s a disgrace to trans people everywhere, just like any other minority who engages in the mental gymnastics required to identify as a Republican.

Mr. Big was Governor of Illinois, right? Till he cheated on Nurse Hathaway?

He’ll just build a seawall. And France will pay for it.

Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.

I am an alcoholic and the best thing you can do for both of you is leave. He might die but it sounds like he will no matter what. You need to take care of you. Your whole life is in front of you. Be strong. Thrive. Our issues are not meant for our kids to burden.

I just go with Rinsed Pubis as the accompaniment to My Penis (Mike Pence).

Rancid Penis was always my go to

This is everyone’s favourite Nice Guy PM Trudeau boasting about the fact he deliberately wanted to beat the shite out of an indigenous person.

I’m glad you’re writing the third one. SwampFuckers 2: Revenge of the MotherCuckers was a real step down from the first.


“non-physical trauma”

I’m more shocked that he was 72 than the fact that he’s dead. I was in love with him right along with CC Bloom and Hillary Whitney.

Judging by how many convicted sex offenders who are also Latino show up on my pedo/rapist map within a 5 mile radius of my neighborhood, it’s safe to say the real problem is that sex crimes just aren’t treated harshly enough in general.

I wonder if his first order of business will be doing the fandango?