
So long as it’s cash up front....

That tears it - I’m definitely not voting for Hunter.

yeah, you’ve really gotta sue WHILE you dying of sepsis.

I had an abortion last winter.

PR person here: “I was unhappy, and I didn’t know why. I had great kids and a great wife and a great career. It was inconceivable to me that I was unhappy given all I had. I fell into a crisis of self-doubt, self-destruction and alcohol. I’ve learned since that THIS is what depression and addiction feel like. Since

Or stays and tries to make it a better place for all women. 

Probably thinks The Handsmaid Tale is a warning about the uppity bitches that they will have to contend with when they finally get the world how they like it.

If this was during the Goth Wave of the nineties at least once a week.

Waffle House.

I don’t go to class reunions.

Hopefully the prospective time she’ll have to serve will leverage her testimony.

When I was 12, I was diagnosed with depression. It came as the result of years of bullying by fellow classmates, and my inability to process their cruelty correctly. After weeks with a child psychologist, I was sent to a psychiatrist to begin my medical treatment. Let me preface this by saying that I was an innocent,

Words to fucking live by:

Wow...this person is clearly going through something tough and you’re coming at them for their grammar? Way to kick someone who’s down for no reason. Hope you’re pleased with yourself.

Ronan Farrow is burning NBC to the ground and I am here for it. That’s what they get for trying to kill Farrow’s original Weinstein story in 2017. 

That’s “Be Best by” date.

I always thought she was kind of cute, and the fact that she seems to be staying the hell away from his flaming clown car administration instead of cashing in for money or power seems to show she might be the only decent human being in the family. That dodge though, that really drives home that she had had enough of

I see a little silhouetto of a man

They are em-bare-ass- ing!