Beyond that, even people who aren’t trying to bone you treat you like you’re more interesting. It’s very strange.
Beyond that, even people who aren’t trying to bone you treat you like you’re more interesting. It’s very strange.
Prachi this is beautiful and sad and so well written. Thank you
Would he think Harriet was too old fashioned too? Eleanor Harriet... (Harriet Tubman)
It’s almost like he hasn’t thought this through completely....
Me too on the calorie counting - have lost 23 kilos since February by logging every freaking mouthful on myfitnesspal - makes you super accountable. But yes, if you’ve got any tendency towards obsessiveness, maybe try something else!
I’m so sorry to hear this - I’ve been there. Be kind to yourself and let people help. xxx
I went to high school with Karen Canfell, the epidemiologist in charge, I’m so proud of her!
Thanks. It’s not a club you want to join, but once you’re in you realise how many people you know have also lost a pregnancy. I went on to have a happy healthy splendid little weirdo who is now 9, so I don’t have too much to complain about.
My dog did this for weeks after my miscarriage. I’d sit on the lounge weeping and she’d sit beside me with one paw either on my leg or my hand and gaze at my face. Was more helpful than any human in my life at that time.
Me too. My fave is yeah nah, or nah yeah, which is so clear to all of us, but incomprehensible to anyone else.
Are you from Bristol?
2 miscarriages and then had my baby, who is now a hilarious and insane 9 year old. Miscarriage sucks, hugs to you. Sending healthy pregnant vibes your way xxx
That interview he did with Jason Segel where they’re both super stoned remains one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
I especially like the song;
If you need more of the hideous details;
He was on a couple of pretty good Aussie TV shows before he set out to conquer America, so we’ve all had crushes on him for years down under.
Worst pain ever. I had gallstones at age 25 and in the worst attacks I literally lay on the floor of my bathroom whimpering. Fortunately I live in Australia so I had surgery, after a wait of a few weeks, in a public hospital at zero cost to myself.
Little miss Pie is absolutely gorgeous x
Indigo Girls. Power of two.