
Tesla specifically states their system can handle fog and will simply slow down to account for the distance it can see. It can, in fact, see better than humans in the fog. This should not happen. The better question is if the system can’t see, why was it able to be engaged.

Because Musk said it works and is better than humans.

Product recalls are such a joke in this country. I’d encourage you to google section 6B of the Consumer Product Safety Act, which lets companies restrict and edit what the CPSC can tell the public about their products.

It’s Tesla’s newly renamed, “100% complete autonomy driving mode (with direct and constant human management and guidance).

I cannot believe this junk isn’t forcefully disabled at this point. I mean they recall lettuce for a very small percentage of people getting e coli.

I guess don’t use camera based systems in fog. They should have stuck with radar sensors. 


This. Biden could sit in a chair and spin for the next 4 years and accomplish his job: Blocking Trump from being President again. It doesn’t matter if he’s senile or coherent. That’s all he needs to do and it’s still a victory. Which would you rather have, a senile but harmless Biden, or a vengeful erratic senile

Well, the problem with surrounding yourself with racists and hatemongers, is that a few nazi wannabes are bound to slip in.

That wasn’t intended to represent a Republican voter, though, average or otherwise. It represents the maddening tendency of Democratic voters to furiously search for a reason not to back their party’s candidate while Republicans, as you correctly note, will always rally around their guy.

To be fair, the average Republican voter doesn’t even know this happened and if they heard about it they would just say it was fake anyway.

So what was the staffer’s name? Goebbels? Göring? Himmler?

But I can’t vote for Biden because...”

“Trump’s not a Nazi, but people working for him are” is not the defense they seem to think it is.

Well, he only hires “the best and brightest”, remember?

Always someone else’s fault, and a tacit admission that they hire morons.

This isn’t the first time Trump’s been caught “accidentally” retweeting Nazi shit. Back during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, he was called out on multiple occasions for retweeting pro-Trump memes from Neo-Nazi Twitter accounts. And Trump’s team’s defense is always “Trump doesn’t endorse or condone these users. He just

Of course they went with “overzealous staffer.”  No responsibility.

Reality has surpassed our harshest satire.

I guess someone figured we won’t know a superintelligent AI went rogue until it’s too late (if at all) and decided to go full YOLO.