
100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive

Over 6000 layoffs in the video game industry, but how many people have been laid off in the Tech Industry altogether from 2023-present? The fact that companies can just throw their workers away while claiming record profits is ugly capitalism at its finest, but the sheer unchecked accountability for companies to

The patch also fixes a bunch of problems with pickups. You can now loot the crossbow in NG+ if you already have it, which was making it impossible to fully complete a playthrough previously

This is likely just a acknowledgement that they know Palworld exists and that fans have been telling them about it. We already saw them takedown a Palworld mod in one day. If they genuinely believed they had a legal case they wouldn’t have issued such a week legal statement. 

Look at how they don’t even name Palworld in their statements. Clearly they aren’t 100% on going to court over possibly finding some infringing material. So they make a vague statement about an unnamed game so they can avoid being counter-sued for slander. Meanwhile they will CONTINUE to investigate Palworld (because

The people in this comment section claiming Japanese copyright law doesn’t protect parody are really uninformed. No a wikipedia page is not a thorough source on Japanese parody law works.

The dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about Japan does in fact have it’s own parody law. It may not be identical to US parody law but it certainly exists. Here’s a article discussing how it works.

Sorry but a wikipedia page is not a legitimate source for understanding something as complex as copyright law.

I’m pretty sure watching a billion dollar corporation bully a small indie studio of less than a hundred people. Will ingratiate people into liking The Pokemon Company more.

I mean in WV their govenor is a former coal exec, and they vote GOP who consistently attack unions (other than police unions).  Their ancestors literally paid in blood for a lot of worker rights and to dismantle those company towns.  Meanwhile Musk and other billionaires are planning company towns for workers who will

As a PC gamer I adapted to this over a decade ago.  It was clear when this generation of consoles had a disk free version that this was the way it was going to go.  That being said,  Microsoft has really done a good job keeping as much playable as possible with new hardware.  There are purchases I made in the 360 era

Honestly its more then just that these days. My son recently wanted to get into a table top wargame and my wife and I have Warmachine/Hordes. Our stuff is mostly the first and second edition of the game and somehow between the last two moves we lost some of the rule books and the model cards.

It’s wild that so many old games only exist and are playable now thanks to people uploading them to the net and building emulators/tools to keep them alive. 

Pirates are doing *MOST* of the heavy lifting when it comes to game preservation. See also: movies and music

Plenty of people will be violent while in custody. These sorts of things make people violent. Prisons aren’t designed in most countries to help people and cops dont exactly treat autistic people well

I can respect the kid has some serious psychiatric problems and needs help just for the safety of himself and others, but a life sentence smacks strongly of “We could solve this problem, or at least try, but we don’t want to.”

What an egregious and over the top punishment.

West of Iran, Border of Iran and Iraq.

These porters are too courageous to carry that load onto mountains! I would be so scared because of the possibility of falling...

The High Tatra mountains in Slovakia: