
From what I understand it’s not a reimagining or a reboot. it’s essentially an unrelated sequel; another movie about Twisters in the same world. There’s going to be callbacks to the other movie, but that’s about it.

Paying for a game (or anything for that matter) doesn’t give anyone the right to be rude and hostile towards the creators simply because they don’t like changes that were made. Things weren’t changed by the developer in malice, and they probably had good reasons for making the changes they did.

The fact that he literally doesn’t care about anyone or anything but money and power is exactly why corporations want him elected; carte blanche to do whatever they want (more so than they already have).

All tech companies do this, and it’s ridiculous. When there’s growth they hire based on the assumption that the growth they’re seeing will never stop. That’s literally never happened. Then when growth inevitably slows down they point at “the economy” or “unforeseen changes in the market” or “ focusing on efficiencyas

But if a child genuinely identifies as a different sex from what they were born, at what point does “mental health treatment” become torture? How long should a child endure what’s effectively reprogramming to train something out of them that realistically doesn’t have substantial consequences other than ridicule from

Banana for scale?

In his defense, his fame and videos are how he can afford to do something like that in the first place. Spending his own money to help people WHILE making more money by filming it seems reasonably positive compared to the alternatives.

Check for a multi-city flight instead as one-way flights tend to be a lot more expensive.

I went through the exercise of booking all parts of this package individually and it came to the exact same price for the days I selected. This isn’t really a deal as much as it’s theoretically more convenient if you don’t want to book everything separately. If you have any issues though you’ll have to go through a

How few PC gamers they’re shortchanging really doesn’t matter when locking out competing upscaling technologies benefits no one (Bethesda and AMD included). They’re basically screwing over people that want to buy Starfield for no reason.

John Linnemann overlooked it’s performance struggles because they were predictable and warranted, and not due to poor programming or the game being rushed out and not properly optimized like so many AAA games as of late. Essentially the frame rate drops when a lot is happening on screen, otherwise it’s 30fps through

But the views essentially paid for the treatments. Not that he didn’t have the money to pay for it already, but people watching his videos pays for him to make the videos in the first place. Would you prefer he make videos about spending money on himself?

I assume they already determined what date it was going to release on streaming (and had contracts to that effect) and didn’t anticipate it being anywhere near as popular in theaters as it is with it being a new horror IP in January.

I saw it promoted plenty on Netflix and I'm in the US. I watched it, it was great, and I'm sad. 

Cookie rack on top of a tray. Put the tray in the fridge to let the grease congeal (or just leave it on the counter for a while), then scrape the grease into the trash. No need to waste a ton of paper products.

Somebody has to be the smartest idiot. 

My MiBand 4 actually lasts 2+ weeks with basically all the battery draining features enabled. I don’t look at it very much though, just use it to transfer data to my phone.

Hopefully the settlement is based on loans held at the time in question and not loans STILL HELD from the time in question. I’ve consolidated my Sallie Mae/Navient private student loans multiple times over the years to get a lower interest rate because their rates were atrocious.

At least Nintendo still releases quality content. 

I generally ONLY do spin throws. I’m actually pretty bad at straight throws (required sometimes depending on how I’m holding my phone) because of it.