
“Honest” Don has been found guilty of fraud. Just a reminder.

The polls are bullshit, especially the NY Times one. They polled 1,000 people over the phone, with a response rate of about 6%. Who actually answers and then sits through a political poll on their phone? Just a guess, but I’d say more likely the type to be trumpers. Then they milk it like it’s the official outcome of

Considering how American Hitler is a severely mentally ill criminal who lies at the drop of a hat—literally a pathological liar:

More like Donnie the Con.

“Honest" Don.

Yeah I would imagine it’s mostly just “don’t be in Region X of the USA because that’s probably where we will be” and “You can’t completely destroy any existing major faction in case we want to use or reference them”

When they’ve barely even started ES6, it’s hard to imagine they have more than the vaguest notions of what’ll be in Fallout 5

I really, really hope this is good enough to warrant future seasons... mostly because I am looking forward to seeing how the hell they adapt some of the bonkers stuff that occurs in books 2 and 3 (especially 3!).

Due to his accurate knowledge of Fallout 5, Jonathan was then promptly blacklisted by Todd Howard.

Honestly I find it hilarious that the kind of goober that says “git gud” is being told by a dev to git gud.

Have you met gamers? They get treated how poorly as they do because they ACT as poorly as they do. If a customer base shits on you as much as gamers do, then you have every right to call out their bullshit.

Gamers who take shit this seriously are entitled whiny pricks that deserve to be trolled off the internet. What the devs said is mild at worst and anyone who took actual offense to it should do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up forever. Highly embarrassing shit.

I’m perusing the comments here and primary take-away (as a non-player) is that the game got harder, and people playing at higher difficulties are mad at the idea of playing at lower difficulties because pride.

I feel like with this and Larian Studios receiving toxicity, it’s almost as if this doesn’t really happen because of “bad games,” but because gamers are entitled Karens who don’t recognize the human cost of the games they played.

As far as I’m concerned, all developer interactions with gamers should just be a double mid

The entitlement of consumers, in all fields, is galling.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t speak up when wronged, but have a little respect for the other person in the conversation. Be as professional as you expect them to be dammit.

The customer isn’t always right, etc.

Like, I get it, professionalism for its own sake has value and you don’t want to turn away customers. But I feel like the capital “G” gamers harassing the devs aren’t really owed niceties and decorum like that, and it’s just that general air of entitled consumerism that makes us

100% agree. The way Gamers give, uh, “feedback” can read a little hostile sometimes and I can see how a human dev on the receiving end of it might react in a human way. Not to say it’s okay, but I’m inclined to forgive a one-time incident. The community reaction to that patch has been completely insane and out of

LMAO. I almost have 100 hours. The patch is the first of many tweaks to get the game where they want. The true issue, which was even an issue before this is the spawning at higher difficulties. But sure you know better than the devs so go ahead and keep whining. If people don’t want any messing with the meta than

Devs didnt lie or say anything wrong.

The dev totally didn’t say it the right way but he has a point. The fucking whiners about a balance patch in this game are insufferable. Its been out for like two weeks. Its not like they took away some weapon after two years. Of course they are gonna have to fix some shit once the players get their hands on it.