
I mean in WV their govenor is a former coal exec, and they vote GOP who consistently attack unions (other than police unions).  Their ancestors literally paid in blood for a lot of worker rights and to dismantle those company towns.  Meanwhile Musk and other billionaires are planning company towns for workers who will

As a PC gamer I adapted to this over a decade ago.  It was clear when this generation of consoles had a disk free version that this was the way it was going to go.  That being said,  Microsoft has really done a good job keeping as much playable as possible with new hardware.  There are purchases I made in the 360 era

Honestly its more then just that these days. My son recently wanted to get into a table top wargame and my wife and I have Warmachine/Hordes. Our stuff is mostly the first and second edition of the game and somehow between the last two moves we lost some of the rule books and the model cards.

It’s wild that so many old games only exist and are playable now thanks to people uploading them to the net and building emulators/tools to keep them alive. 

Pirates are doing *MOST* of the heavy lifting when it comes to game preservation. See also: movies and music

So... If I understand this review, the printer is a niche device that is not cheap ($130 may not break the bank, but it’s not nothing), takes expensive paper, is finicky, prone to over heating (which will likely get worse as it ages), and yields inconsistent results.

I hope it gets more. But I think the biggest obstacle is going to be getting the cast back considering the time commitments/that they’ve all been released from their contracts for awhile now.

Plenty of people will be violent while in custody. These sorts of things make people violent. Prisons aren’t designed in most countries to help people and cops dont exactly treat autistic people well

I can respect the kid has some serious psychiatric problems and needs help just for the safety of himself and others, but a life sentence smacks strongly of “We could solve this problem, or at least try, but we don’t want to.”

I’m as anti-prison as you can get when it comes to anything short of violent crimes but even then I believe in rehabilitation over incarceration. However, I’m already seeing takes like “he’s just a hacker, he didn’t hurt anyone” which is absolutely the most braindead take I could have imagined.

What an egregious and over the top punishment.

I'm in the U.K. This still has the unpleasant whiff of money about it.


That is in no way a fitting punishment for the crime of “hacking” companies that should already have had better systems in place. Does he not have any family, is house arrest not an option? 

This is such a petulant, uniformed take that only an entitled child would think is “rational.” Like, why do you NEED to know what a developer is going to make for the next ten years? Not even a guaranteed timeline, at that.

Get cooked in the replies to you. Reap what you sow, I guess.

What an absurd take. Do you actually expect every company to publicly announce ever single decision or idea they have?

lmao because A. gamers are SUCH rational, level-headed people when things don’t go to schedule or plan as it was announced, and B. you clearly have zero understanding of what shareholder value and stock prices are.

So in the regards of any future plans, titles, and such being leaked, I say “you reap what you sow.”

This is the outcome of staying in a toxic relationship. If either party feels thoughts of fear or aggression in that relationship it is best to move on. Some people just are not compatible and continuing in a toxic relationship is what ended his career. She was obviously not the women he was looking for with the way

If they’re still doing “Kang Dynasty”, then I suppose they’ll just recast Kang. . . .or maybe not. The film is more than two years away, and they’re rewriting the script - they could just quietly kill it in development now and retool for something different.