
With how often my generator kicks in here in California, 2k every 10 years would be worth it. I also wouldn’t say regular UPS batteries last about 5 years. I’ve had lots of UPS and none have needed battery replacement that quick. My 2 main 1500VA/1000W are both almost 10 years old and working fine. 

If the F2000 can be hard wired into my house 100 amp feed and be able to handle a normal load for about 10 seconds and cost $2000 I’d buy one. Even with an automatic switch generator the 5-10 seconds of power loss throws off a ton of electronics functions in appliances, smart bulbs and other things it’s not easy to

I thought she seemed pretty cool from the trailer, so I don’t get all the fuss. But I guess I am not an insecure man-child, so...

Sometimes I wonder how much of this is that they feel emasculated by playing a woman in a game.

Speaking of new star wars characters.  I will still stand by the cast of the Star Wars sequel trilogy as “A great cast of characters given nothing interesting to do” as my way of describing that trilogy.

Aside from Battlefront II, which features Iden Versio as its main protagonist (though there are missions where you play as Luke Skywalker or Han Solo); Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, an expansion for Dark Forces II that features Mara Jade as its star; and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter which has Adi Gallia as its


What year is this? How is it that this, a non-white, non-male playable character in a science fiction game with space travel and aliens in it, in a gaming market where the number of games released is massive so there’s no lack of choice of brand new games with white male playable characters, including games using the

Personally, I prefer women protagonists these days. I just find it more interesting, as they’re often given deeper characterization than the dime-a-dozen stoic men protagonists. Plus, I play games to not be me. A woman is about as far from me as I can get.

The “men” throwing kicking and screaming tantrums over not having 100% of representation are the same ones who insist representation doesn’t matter.

I’d like to live in a world where we ignore misogynists. I can only imagine it is not the majority of gamers that are upset and just a small percentage of basement dwelling cave trolls. We need to stop giving them the attention they so desperately crave 

Reading these articles makes me sad that these people exist and have the ability to communicate to the rest of the world their stupid opinions.

Meanwhile, as a public service, Fox News’ people are telling everyone that there’s no problem and anyone who wears a mask is a socialist, Marxist pussy.

It’s a good thing the government learned a lot from the pandemic!

I saw some photos of Time Square and it looks full cyberpunk/Blade Runner.

someone just turned on the Hollywood filter for under developed countries

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that the state would provide one million N95 face masks for residents throughout the region

Diablo 1 and 2 will still be playable long after 3 and 4 cease to be.

I had asked in some other article why people hate required internet connections for games so much..

That’s because Diablo IV’s hardcore mode treats disconnects like death in order to discourage players from trying to pull the plug in a losing battle to avoid losing a character.