
Once upon a time, the Republicans were into conserving things.

Conservatives truly are hell bent on ensuring all of America can never have nice things. 

There are no words that could be written into a law that intentional saboteurs couldn’t find a way to interpret around. And that is precisely who the Federalist Society has worked into the courts—intentional saboteurs.

Why was the EPA telling this couple that they couldn’t build without a permit? Isn’t that more the job of much more local authorities? Say county or perhaps the State? Shouldn’t the house conform to national and local building codes and have proof via inspections to be cleared for occupation?

To be fair to the legislature (which given the terrible state it is in now, is hard to imagine) but the bill wasn’t written in any ambiguous manner. The conservative majority just decided to define the word adjacent in a way that conflicts with both the Dictionary and common sense, because a private developer might

Better yet, let’s ask Houston how that worked for them with Harvey.

LOL! Just in time for the never ending record setting floods!

No one has ever asked for a LOTR Gollum game. The decision to make one is truly incredible, as in, incredibly stupid.

The greatest irony is that Deadalic does adventure games almost exclusively and your pitch sounds like something up their alley. Why they decided to get this IP to make a movie tie-in level stealth game with PS3 graphics instead is beyond me.

Man, this WB-Discovery merger just can’t get out of its own way.

From the Urban Dictionary: “Camp” n. or “Campy” adj. refers to intentionally exaggerated thematic or genre elements, especially in television and motion picture mediums. “Camp” style willfully over-emphasizes certain elements of the genre or theme, creating an almost self-satirical milieu.

This isn’t Anderson’s first genre movie, technically. Life Aquatic is set in a world in which scientists are rock star-like celebrities, while Isle of Dogs is straight-up cyberpunk.

Looks like campy fun.

And I’m sure those idiots will be saying the same thing as jobs also leave

Everyone making fun of DeSantis for this is kidding themselves. This sort of thing is exactly what he wanted. I glanced through the twitter comments on a New York Times post about this and they were full of people saying things like they were “glad the pedos were leaving”. These are the kind of “people” that DeSantis

On one hand, Disney is an evil megacorporation that uses its money to control the law so that it can crush and assimilate smaller creators and then profit off of their works forever. On the other hand, DeSantis is a horrible bigot who revels in the oppression of LGBTQ+ people.

This reminds me of the office move a year or so ago. I believe it was mostly accounting but also the fabled Imagineers division was fully centralized in Florida, which pissed a lot of them off. At least one of the more prominent ones very publicly quit the company, and I can’t blame him. I cannot fathom being forced

I love how they are in the “Find Out” stage of FAFO ☺️

I guess the House of Mouse needs to make an ill-advised purchase of a social media platform then immediately run it into the ground to truly be considered financially successful, huh? 🤔

It’s too bad for the employees who made plans to relocate (and double so for the ones who already did!).  Disney better do right by these people.