
Ummmm, what? How did the ending answer your questions? Yes SPOILERS AHEAD. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

I mean, they literally crawl on the ceiling above my bed, soooooo....

The title of this article has real “The Onion making fun of Lifehacker” vibes.

Hey, I ran this ship into an iceberg.  It’s taking on water and now it’s listing 45 degrees to port.  Anyone want to have a go at being captain?

Might as well just use bot as CEO.

I’ll do it. It’s quite simple. Re-hire everyone he fired, get rid of the new “improvements”, watch the stock return to normal, be rich.

Wanted: CEO

It’s the mark of a narcissist that he cannot see there are plenty people more capable than he does.

He could pick just about anyone and they would be more competent than him... Ok, that’s not entirely true because there are a lot of people who are impossibly stupid, but the point still stands. Many people would make better choices than musky boy the man-baby.

Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?

“If I haven’t already made the job unappealing enough by completely sabotaging the company, your deranged lunatic/asshole subordinate will also have the ability to fire you”.

“I will take my ball and go home to the server room in the basement!”

Yeah, near as I can tell, that’s basically what happened. If the bank lends me money to buy a house, that money does get paid to the previous owner. If I later default, nobody can go knocking on their door looking for that money.

The silencing of Leftists and elevation of quasi-Libertarian neo-nazis is the return on investment they are looking for. Normalization of a warped Right-leaning kind of “freedom of speech” is the return.

This is the thing I can’t figure out. Almost everyone is acting like Musk bought Twitter with only his own money and is now the sole owner of it. Bu that isn’t the case.  He got a lot of that money from investors who, you’d think, would be looking for some kind of return on their investment.

So, question about Twitter purchase money:

Imagine paying $44b just to publicly humiliate yourself on a near daily basis.

At least he can’t run for president.


Wow, what a fucking snowflake. This twat is the very parody of a right wing douchebag. If you made him up Nazis would accuse you of strawmanning... but here he is, in the flesh, the living incarnation of MAGA to take the Angry Toddler’s torch.