
It seems laughable that a trademark could be issued for the shape of a food item. There are competitors to Hostess Fruit Pies, Ding Dongs and even Oreos. Maybe simply burn or mold the trademarked Smuckers logo onto the top & bottom of the “sandwich” to eliminate confusion for the poor, dumb humans who ignore it on the

Look at all those bots. Buying tickets, getting human bodies. Just to boo him. How far the wokes are willing to go....

This is such a weird thing to do, even if it was with something that isn’t as unlikable as Elon is. For example, Bill Bailey is one of my favorite comedians of all time, and I would find it extremely weird if I went to a show, and he suddenly goes “Oh, by the way, here’s Bill Gates as a guest!” and Bill Gates

So... Musk calls someone a pedo, says that someone else is in favour of the sexualization of children... Why is he going on about this? He sounds like those crazy right-wingers that are always going on about child molesters until it turns out they are the child molesters. Hmm.

You love to see it!

Elon has made clear he believes all his supporters are real people and all his opponents are bots. No amount of evidence will convince him otherwise. 

The thing about narcissists is that it doesn’t matter if he has all the money, all the toys, all the kids with all the pretty girls, all the yes-men constantly praising him. If even ONE thing happens to suggest he might have done something wrong, he will have a complete rage meltdown.

This made me smile. 

HAHAHAHAHA. What in fuck did he think was going to happen. Musk is nowhere near as popular IRL as he thinks he is online. Admittedly thats because the army of Musk stan bots don't exist IRL but you'd have thought he'd have worked that out by now.

Glad not everyone acts like you, otherwise no shows would get more than one season.

I enjoyed it and, while there are definitely places the story could have gone, and so much potential in the world, the story being told in season one is self-contained and resolved in a satisfying way.

It’s the eyebrows (or lack thereof). Makes her seem alien or weirdly inhuman.

Mia Goth has the perfect horror face... whenever I see her it’s instantly unnerving, no matter the expression.

The most important thing about those 8 million copies sold is that they include copies that Sony literally gave away for free on Playstation Plus. Anyway, here’s how you screw up your super-cool and hardcore apocalypse game with a presumed attempt at a relatable main character.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone blame a “woke” reason for their problems that wasn’t just trying to avoid admitting the actual problem.

something something venn diagrams

Imagine unironically using woke in current year

Each season has been a completely different story. It’s an anthology series.