
Just another example of how far Gizmodo has fallen. This reads like someone copy-pasted a press release. If you want to read a real review, check out Ars Technica.

while the vívosmart 5's 66% larger monochromatic display provides extra notification details at a glance

Is it possible Elon is doing a very public legal pump and dump? The prices are up considerably and if they tell him no he immediately sells? I am not sure of the actual laws about how he quickly he would be able to sell if they said no but I see this happening.

tHe ACtuAl tRuTh lol stfu


Maybe he’ll get rid of all those libruls so Twitter can finally be successful, like Gettr and Parlor and...

Yet by engaging with the article you contribute to the proliferation of similar content. 

I just want a little Radahn plush to put on Torrent's head.

You’re right. You should stop looking at these articles.

Elden Ring might be the one game where I genuinely want horse armor.

Look at the that shooting star!

I mentioned this in the other Gizmodoverse story on the subject, but what the Sonic films do really well is they deliver on what a Sonic movie should be, for long time fans (raises hand) and kids alike. It’s not Resident Evil where it tries really hard not to be Resident Evil; the movies, especially Sonic 2 with the

Saw this with my 6 year old, who had been counting down to the release date for months. Cute enough movie for me, who never got into Sonic growing up. Amazing movie for my kid and for the audience, which cheered and applauded whenever a new character from the game showed up or a character had a major moment. Like “port

Ticket sales follow patterns over the course of a weekend (and they have pre-sale data to guide them too), so by relatively early on Sunday, the experts have a very good idea what the final weekend numbers will look like. They do give updates when the official numbers come in, but it would be unusual if there was a

One of my favorite horror films. The creeping sense of dread and paranoia are palpable. And, come on: David Caruso? How can you not like this?

I noticed Brad Anderson in the Peacemaker credits, I know he has been director on various films in the last few years, but thought he would be doing more high profile projects at this point.  I remember seeing this in the theater when it came out, and it make you feel really uncomfortable throughout and anxious. When

I haven’t seen this since it came out on DVD, but I remember recommending it a lot in the video store where I worked because it was one of the few horror films I’d seen that took place mostly during the day but was still terrifying.

Its an amazing PvE weapon against large bosses, and can easily do thousands of damage and stagger them with one L2 attack.

Its really hard to emphasize how much Huge Fucking Dork energy is coming from that tweet.