
All sports selections have been trampled, the basic principle that sport is out of politics has been trampled.

I am more tolerant than most around here and I even think that dastardly “cancel culture” stuff so many of you like to angrily and repeatedly insist isn’t real is in fact real.

He’s a coward either way and he’s valuing his own self preservation over that of thousands of others, even children. So, it doesn’t fucking matter at this point. Plenty of other high profile russian citizens have had the courage to speak out.

No, that’s gaslighting and bait. There’s also thick hypocrisy within your own statement; if you actually believe it in its entirety.

Yeah but also Russia is deliberately targeting civilians. Sometimes, or perhaps at this point often, ONLY civilians.

Dude’s twitter page is like 99% propaganda, are we sure he wasn’t just a fleshy Russian bot all along?

Don’t worry when Trump gets votted back in he will fix everything! After all didn’t he say:

I remember during the Trump years right wing idiots saying we should support him because “he is OUR President”. Strangely don’t hear those people saying the same thing about Biden. 

What’s more likely Sergey... The Ukranians shelling and using cluster munitions on their own people or an invading force trying to capture a city and demoralize a population doing so?

That isn’t patriotism, it’s jingoism. Patriotism is loving your country enough to pay attention to it.

The presidents job is to work for the people, not the other way around. This guy is a fucking boot licker

I will support my country in any situation without thinking for a second!

/buys stock in tennis rackets

Still impressive it lasted two months, and it may not have been the cause of his death. 

Clearly an article sponsored by Big Spider.

Sounds like something a giant spider planning to drop down from the sky this summer would say. 

Respawning is easier, you can choose a stake of marika which are usually right out side the boss arena as your respawn point instead of the last point of grace you rested at.

But I also think these sites learned from Cyberpunk. Also From isn’t CDPR. This game is an iteration of stuff in their wheelhouse already, whereas Cyberpunk was not for CDPR.

So much this. Difficulty is fine. Punishing me with boredom and tedious slogging is not. That’s why I usually bounce off most Souls games, becaue I get sick of trudging around stuff I’ve already done 20 times to get back to the boss that keeps kicking my ass.

This is the most surprising review. Gamespot almost never ever gives 10's. They’re very harsh. They gave Horizon Forbidden West an 8. That’s where their scores always linger, 6,7 and 8. They hate giving 9's and 10's. So to see this is crazy!