
As a software tester that frequently stages and restages environments, this annoys the hell out of me.

Putting this here just in case...

Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.

The one good thing about Musk winning that defamation case is that he made it clear we can all call him a Pedo Guy. Elon The Pedo Guy Musk. Because Pedo Guy apparently doesn’t mean literally a pedophile, even when you imply raping children is the only reason someone might be living in a specific geographic location.

“Though I can’t begrudge anyone for wanting to hang onto Wordle 1.0. Now a whole new audience can ride the live service game roller coaster.”

Your bad take completely ignores the absolute rights of people. In this particular case a woman that was sexually assaulted and her DNA which was sampled was ostensibly taken for the purpose of helping her. Your bad take also ignores the very real chilling effect this practice would have on sexual assault victims. So

You can fuck right out of here with that shit.

Because cops firmly believe, everyone is a criminal they need to catch.

Who needs ethics and professionalism when we have minor property crimes to solve?

Financial restitution is a perfectly fine way of providing that.

Simply ridiculous. Paying a steep fine for the rest of your days should be enough.

I don’t know what to say here. I know we’ve made light of this whole thing because of the dude’s name, but it sure seems excessive that he’s losing three years of his life due to selling video game modchips.

Sometimes you need something like this to detach the horror from the reality because you want to try and convey a message without breaking their brains with just how cruel things really were.

I’m old enough, and the catholic grade school I attended was progressive enough (go, Jesuits!) that we learned about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. It was horrifying. It was something I’ll never forget because her story was personal. Similarly, we learned about the civil rights movement by listening to an

Dipshits be dipshittin’

Brought to you by the group of people who lost their collective shit when a Dr. Seuss book was pulled by his own estate.

If people actually know about Nazis and the Holocaust, they might get upset when you make bullshit arguments about mask mandates and Nazi stuff.


You are what they call a statistical outlier. Not everyone can be lucky enough to be one.

Narrowly missing the top 10, at number 11: