
And maybe, juuuuust maybe, the average person is now thinking: “well jeez, I’m still underwater on that 84 month car loan i had to take out to afford this base model Equinox, maybe i should hold onto it until it’s five or six years old...I definitely can’t afford any higher payments after all...”

Senator: “We’d better cut the tax rate on capital gains again; that’ll get more of those poor people to start investing in equities.”

Wait, what? But the stock market is so strong!

Exactly! Stock prices may be up and executives may be getting fatter bonuses, but consumers and entry level employees can’t even keep up with inflation. Unless you have billionaires buying hundreds of Camrys each, then no, what were formally average Joe car sales are going to continue to dry up. Super car and top tier

True the factory incentives might not be there, but the dealer might be inclined to take a hit. The sooner they get the 18 off the lot the sooner they can replace it with something newer and easier to sell. 

Probably because we only have a strong economy on paper, on the ground it is shit. The economic figures have been massaged to make politicians look better for the polls, but on the ground it is insecure, low paid, and short term jobs which people need to work two or three at a time just to keep their heads above water.

Same with humans, why slap a year on them?  Virtually unchanged for centuries now.

Why do we slap years onto vehicles anyway? Barring a major redesign, the 2018, 2019 and 2020 model is essentially the same anyway, except maybe the way the trim levels are packaged, or some different paint options. You don’t buy a 2019 toaster, or a 2020 garden shovel.  It’s also not like manufacturers haven’t

Also folks, just because you see a 2018 on the lot don’t automatically expect it to be a better deal than a 19, which is likely "leftover" at this point.  Some brands have dialed back factory rebate support for the 2018 cars and since the dealer cost is the same, the stores may not be able to offer a better deal

Because there won’t be microtransactions in games when you’re paying a subscription for the larger service. That’s the entire point.

Everyone loves an a la carte model for content—see Netflix, et al—where you can just pay a single reasonable monthly fee for unlimited access” 

If there is no tall building you can zip to short poles or roofs, but yeah you just fall. Which I prefer. It makes web-swinging feel more like a skill you get better at.

honestly you end up getting so many weapons that I was annoyed my weapons weren’t breaking fast enough

Very much the same for me, every once in a while I come across a game that I’m just having too much fun to finish (RDR 1 and BotW were the prime examples for me.) The flip side of that is whenever I get back into the game, I usually decide that I need to restart the whole thing, for reasons

Hrm...I don’t know. On paper that sounds really cool. In’d have to record an ungodly amount of dialogue and mo-cap to make this idea workable in any meaningful way. Otherwise, if you’re constantly switching characters, you’re going to start getting a lot of repeats and realize just how shallow and

Woah, that’s actually really damn cool.

So in a way, setting-wise this will be like a massive upgrade to the world of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. A more accurate, modern virtual London? Yes please.

My theater went absolutely nuts for the first atomic light-up

Lot of questions. Like why only yellow jacket and wasp? Why is Vision such a pansy about it? What is thor gawking at?

Unfortunately the Avengers aren’t around to stop Godzilla.